Tamaulipas Today – Treat 17 Tuberculosis Cases in Altamira


Treating 17 cases of tuberculosis in Altamira

The holder of Sanitary Jurisdiction number 12, Juan Cristóbal Barrón Guerra, explained that the figure is worrying, although no deaths have been reported due to disease

By: Carlos Jurez / Altamira
On Friday, July 06, 2018 at 9:08 pm

In the first half of the year Health Authority No. 12 Health Authority detected 17 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis, the majority in the municipality of Altamira

Author: Notimex

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Altamira, Tamaulipas .- In the first half of the year, the health authority number 12 of the Ministry of Health detected 17 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis, the majority in the municipality of Altamira.

Juan Cristóbal Barrón Guerra, the head of the agency in question, explained that the figure is disturbing, although no deaths have been reported from the disease.

"We have 17 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis, of which nine come from the health sector and eight from the IMSS He said that when the condition is detected, the treatment is given, but sometimes for a reason anyway, the patients abandon them and relapse.

"What happens is that the biggest case of one The factors for which patients fall have to do with professional activities, and do not give continuity to their treatments, "he concluded.

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