Tata Martino would be close to revealing he was leading the Tri


MEXICO.- Gerardo Martino will not take much time to decide when he will assume the position of technical director of the Mexican national team, although he is still in charge of managing the MLS at Atlanta.

According to information from the newspaper Record, this was revealed by the same Argentine strategist, who despite the insurance still does not make a decision In this regard, he said that he will arrive soon to clarify his future.

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"In fact, I have to put an end to my situation in Atlanta, which we have not defined, and I can not talk about anything other than my situation with the club. to solve this situation? I think it's not going to take much longer", Assured the former Barcelona coach at a press conference.

Despite this, Tata Martino said that this decision will not depend solely on him, since he has revealed that he will reach an agreement "with the president and the sports director, it will not be something that I will solve it myself. "

In addition, the helmsman of the American team has excluded precise figures as to the gains he could win as coach of the Tri, because he did not talk to anyone.

"That's the part I can not say because I did not tell anyone, so how will I know how much I'll charge?" I know what I'm charging here, but I do not know what else I could charge elsewhere, "added Martino.

According to reports in the Argentine press, before the imminent departure of the South American coach from Atlanta, the North American team has already started negotiations with Guillermo Barros Schelotto, the l '. current coach of Boca Juniors, who could become the replacement of the Tata in the technical direction after the possible exit of this one towards the Mexican territory.

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