Technology giants hear on "data portability" plan


  Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Twitter have introduced a project allowing users to transfer their personal data from one online service to another. The initiative comes in a context where the general regulation of protection of personal data of Europe was launched.

Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Twitter have presented a project for users to move their personal data to an online service. other. The initiative is part of the launch of the general regulation on the protection of personal data in Europe

. Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Twitter revealed their intention to allow users to transfer their personal data from one online service to another . This is a project called Data Transfer Project that was released Friday by the technology giants themselves.

Although the initiative was created two years ago, it is currently in the development phase and according to the information provided by the companies, the decision responds to concerns about the growing influence of these companies. platforms and the concern of users to control their personal information shared online.

The truth is that this ad comes at a time when social networks and courier services are under surveillance for its potential to abuse positions of power and in full debate about the law People

Data portability has been placed at the center of the agenda since the effective entry into force of a new European data protection law, known as the general regulation for the protection of personal data in Europe. (GDPR, for its acronym in English).

Currently, users of Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Twitter can upload their data from an online service, but without guarantee that it will be possible or feasible to download them to a new service.

"Facilitating the choice between services facilitates competition, allows people to try new services and allows them to choose the offer that best suits their needs," says the project on its website. . "There are many use cases for users who transfer data directly between services, some of which are known today and others that we have not discovered yet."

It should be recalled that the implementation of the new GDPR last May is no more and no less than an update of the rules in force since 1995, but which now gives more power to European users in terms of the rights to your personal data.

Some of these changes allow you to object to the entry of personal data to be used in the creation of profiles for advertising or propaganda purposes while fully enjoying the portability of your data in order to move them from one place to another. a site to another site before each change of service.

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