Technology invades recruitment now the program is digital


Written by Elizabeth Meza on July 16, 2018

Some 15,000 candidates attended ExpoEmpleo at CDMX. Photo: Special

Technology has invaded today, from the use of cell phones to restaurants served by robots, its premise is that daily activities are easier to perform. The recruiting world also adopted and it is that the third edition of the ExploEmpleo organized by the company specializing in OCCMundial scholarships was characterized by the use of the technology.

The more than 15,000 participants of this edition made on June 13 and 14 at the World Trade Center in Mexico City do not have a folder full of hard copies of his resume (CV), but of a QR code . Quick response, quick response) on the screen of your mobile phone.

Prior to the event, they enrolled in the mobile application of the organization that allowed them to generate a specific QR for their program, it works as a barcode, It can to be scanned, but his image is that of a square filled with points. To access a curriculum, recruiters only had to scan the code that candidates had on their mobile phone screen

This was done José Alberto Icaza 59 years old, who had his professional resume QR code, "this way I do not load the sheets and the recruiters scan it instantly", same for Eduardo Castro 19 years old, who said that "the job fairs have helped me to know the job market and know what I need to apply. "

Applicants who do not know how to use this technology are receiving support from dozens of organization employees equipped with tablet PCs to support them.

Save the Elderly

"It's the first time I've used this form of presentation my data, but it was not so difficult," says Jose Alberto Icaza. He will soon be 60 years old and will be considered an elder or an older adult. " I am looking for work in the warehouse, inventory or distribution area Since March, I found myself unemployed and, obviously, my age is a limit." [19659005] In Mexico "there are a little more than 12 million people aged 60 and over, and we sometimes forget this sector Older adults do not want to be spectators, we want to be in the interior" , he said in his speech at the inauguration of the fair Pedro Borda general manager of the Mexican Association for Human Resources Management (Amedirh).] In his speech, Pedro Borda asked the recruiters to "save this talent" and hire them, and mentioned that some companies have sacked 10,000 workers and even more, losing the knowledge they had. " The energy sector has entered a different phase. I invite you to think about those men and women who have affection and experience. "

Icaza looking for a job " more stable. " In my previous jobs, they've hired me for the seasons." He's married and, "happily," what he's earning is only for him and his wife; Your children are already self-sufficient. But he still has to pay for his house. He studied industrial engineering at the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) and at age 59 he hopes to earn between 9 and 12,500 pesos

Being a mother is not a hindrance

This Salary range is close to what Bianca Martínez would like to win. : 13,500 pesos, which he won until last June at the notary where he worked. The 35-year-old lawyer is four months pregnant. "So, I also need you to give me social security, so that my baby is born well."

In her previous job, she says, she was fired when she learned that she was pregnant. "Since I started working there two years ago, they told me that they would write me in social security, but they did not get it." never done, and now it was the reason to say goodbye to them, they said that since they could not assure me, I'd better go to whatever. part. "

Bianca hopes that her motherhood will not be an obstacle to hiring . "Until now, they did not say anything, on the contrary, in some places, they even gave me a direct email to send them my CV, but I do not know at the time of the interview. "

He had already attended the first two exhibitions of OCCMundial, and this edition seemed the best. "Before, they had very few job offers for my career, the laws – almost everything was administrative, human resources and accounting – but now I see a lot more opportunities for me." [19659008] Experimenting the labor market

And while Bianca Martínez and José Alberto Icaza are eager to find work, Eduardo Castro, 19, barely studies the job market. "I still study networks and telecommunications", at the Technological University of Nezahualcóyotl (UTN), in the state of Mexico. "I'm just looking at options for when I graduate."

According to a study by the Internet Association, "nine out of 10 Internet users are looking for a job using online job exchanges" says Fidel López Martínez, assistant director of marketing at OCCMundial, during of the opening ceremony of the fair. "Of this population, 70% find work on our platform," he added.

For the moment, Eduardo prefers to inquire about job fairs. The young forecaster is taking advantage of this type of event to chat with recruiters and 'see what should expand my knowledge'. Wear dress pants and a well ironed formal shirt. It is prepared as if it was an interview.

With a serious tone, ask the staff of a systems company if it is essential to have two years of experience in the field. They answer yes for the post they offer: the programmer with a salary of 19 thousand pesos a month. He, for the moment, asks for 7,000

"I would like to find a job in which they give me the opportunity to start from scratch, without experience," he comments to Factor Capital Humano. "In the show I saw very little like that, but I hope to find one."

New Jobs in Mexico

Job fairs are a less "depersonalized" way to find work, according to Fernando Alfredo Maldonado Hernández, Undersecretary for Employment and Productivity Ministry of Labor and Social Security (STPS).

At the opening of the event, the official informed that this federal government created 3 million 900,000 new formal jobs . "It's 500,000 more than what has been generated in the previous two," he said. "Today, we have a workforce of nearly 19 million 900,000 and there are 16 thousand vacancies in the metropolitan area," he said.

"Job fairs" are a different source of recruitment of very useful talents for us.We find profiles more varied than in the job offers, "says Gabriela Bojórquez, Eco Sistemas México. This company provides IT services, software or security services to companies such as Comex, Siemens and Alsea.

"What we invest in setting up this venue at the Expo is really very low compared to the profits of our company "company": about 4 thousand pesos in the printing of leaflets and screens with the logo of the company.

The best candidate is online

A good candidate speaks two languages, has a specialization and availability of time and does not It is important to change residence ", because there are more and more vacancies in Jalisco , Nuevo León, Querétaro and Yucatán.The number of high-paying jobs in the states is increasing, "says Bibiana Ávila, executive director of HR Great People, a human resources consulting firm in Mexico City.

For Ávila , "The way you project your experience, achievements, the type of industry you are focusing in" is what can guarantee hiring. "80% of our candidates lack something in the resume or interview."

Another flaw, from his point of view, is not having a LinkedIn or OCCMundial profile. "These are basic tools for the recruiter, so we went out


Blanca Juárez / Human Capital Factor

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