Teens, profitable market for the tobacco industry


The tobacco industry knows very well that today 's teens may be future tobacco users. That's why he focused his energies on reaching this sector: electronic cigarettes, flavored, film advertising, series and youtubers are the strategies to achieve this

Mely Arellano, Gabriela Soto and Karen Bravo

When Esteban, 16, they passed the electronic cigarette did not say no. He gave her traction. He felt for the first time how the vapor entered his lungs and then expelled him. In his mouth remained the taste of the cherry. He repeated five more times.

It happened just six months ago, in the private classroom where he studied the first of high school.

A few weeks later, he tried a flavored cigar: he drowned and his throat burned. I do not like him. I do not like him. But he started again with a normal cigar and he did it without problem.

The fact that Evenban accepted the first step was the result of a series of factors related to his age, his feelings, the movies he sees, the animated that he prefers, video games, what you see on TV and what you see on the street. Esteban does not know. But the tobacco industry, yes

A report published in 2001, with internal documents from the tobacco industry (IT), including multinationals Philip Morris and British American Tobacco (BAT), obtained at through trials in the United States, reveals that the computer "has spent a lot of time studying what makes teenagers smoke."

The report "Trust us.We are the tobacco industry," includes the report of a Philip Morris researcher who warns about the importance of "knowing as much as possible teenagers' habits and attitudes toward smoking. "Today's teenager is tomorrow's potential regular client, and the vast majority of smokers started smoking for the first time during Adolescents, smoking is related to the feeling of independence, higher.

4.9% of Mexico's population aged 12 to 17 years old smokes tobacco. equals 684,000 adolescents (Encodat 2016-2017)


Ernesto Xaréu, a medical student, gives lectures in secondary and secondary schools, in the municipality of Puebla, to raise awareness on the damage caused by tobacco consumption.

I l begins his speech with a dynamic: gives 100 pesos to a volunteer, who will pay 10 pesos for each myth about the cigar that Ernesto crushes. In the end, Ernesto still gets his money back

One of those myths is that the electronic cigarette, also called "vapeador", "e-hooka", "hooka stick", "e-cig" or release system or Electronic Administration Since 1965, the World Health Organization (WHO) has urged to ban the use of electronic cigarettes and in June 2016, the National Institute of Public Health (INSP) reported that despite advertising as an option to quit smoking in practice it addresses a non-smoking adolescent audience.

Erick Antonio Ochoa, Director of Initiatives for Tobacco Control of Inter America Corazón (FIC), says that there is no conclusive evidence that electronic devices are less harmful, because the studies are done and published by the industry itself, in their laboratories.

IT, says Ochoa, is betting on the striking product for kids and teens, with a design and customization that do not have the conventional.

And points out a new risk: the possibility of comorbidity is generated between addiction to mobile devices and tobacco products, "that in its bet the industry tries to link dependency to technology. "

Indeed, a survey published in 2016 by the National Institute of Public Health to more than 10 thousand students from the first high school in 60 schools of the three largest cities of countries (Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey) reveal that 'the use of information technology, such as computers, smart phones and the intensive use of the Internet, is more conducive to the use of electronic cigarettes, exclusively or dual-use. "

Brahim Zamora, member of the Citizen's Observatory of Sexual and Reproductive Rights (Odesyr), part of Comuni tion, Dialogue and Conscience (Codex), a network of organizations that promote local politics against smoking, asks the question: "To what extent do teens supply vaping for tobacco use, especially first contact?"

According to the INSP, studies in the United States "have already documented that electronic cigarettes act as a gateway to the consumption of traditional cigarettes (…) even among adolescents who have a low risk of smoking. "[19659023] FUMAROLAS ADVERTISING

The general law on tobacco control prohibits To promote its products in the streets, media and institutions, and the latter had to design new propaganda spaces from which it can reach adolescents

One of these spaces is the pay-TV series, such as cable systems or Netflix

Indirect advertising, says the Argentine researcher Raúl Mejía, because it escapes the ban on zero-tobacco advertising. Mejía is an academic from the University of Buenos Aires and has participated in the research project "Tobacco and cinema in South America" ​​in the period from 2012 to 2017.

"The content of tobacco in the 10 series Netflix the most watched in the US .It is really alarming, superior to the movies. "The effect of this measure on children has not yet been measured," said Mejía

. The screen industry has standardized the habit of consuming tobacco, warns the US anti-tobacco organization Truth Initiative.The cinema is another advertising strategies that the computer In March 2018, this American organization revealed that 86% of the films nominated for the Oscar prize contained scenes referring to tobacco consumption, the same thing happened the previous four years, when 70% of the films nominated for the prize had scenes of people who consume tobacco.

Raúl Mejía, adds: "The results (of the research) are that children were very exposed to tobacco in movies more than doubled the probability of smoking, that children who are not exposed or who were less exposed. "Although the study was done in Argentina, also included other countries, such as Mexico .

For Regina Blessa, a Brazilian marketer who graduated from Columbia University in New York City and with 28 years of experience in marketing, propaganda and marketing in national, multinational and North American companies, minors, babies, "have a brain like an HD of" l & # 39 "empty computer" that collects information much faster than adults, his eyes capture everything and this shapes his opinion and personality. "

What teens find in movies are three main types of advertising on the tab ac, explains Raúl Mejía. "One is that the characters smoke, (…) are usually the main characters or heroes, which are the easiest to identify or copy for children.The second is to show advertising on the tobacco, for example, in the movie Superman 2, there is a moment when Superman changes clothes and gets out of a truck that has a brand of cigarettes.And the third is to naturalize the use of tobacco, that is to say that they see cigarettes, cigars, ashtrays, all the tobacco paraphernalia, people who smoke.

This type of propaganda is known by the name "product placement," describes Regina Blessa, and is placed subtly in the midst of a novel, movies, series, and video games.There's even a law that requires you to mention what brand you're paying for. appear in the script, at the end of the chapter or movie.This works as a subliminal propaganda that is totally forbidden t on the planet, for obvious reasons. "

The advertising of tobacco products in movies, television series, video games and youtubers violates the ban on zero advertising established in section 23 of the General Tobacco Control Act

Esteban, a 16-year-old who started smoking tobacco six months ago with an electronic cigarette, does not remember the movies where he smokes but the name of an anime who looks on the internet, where a young man lean and blond man keeps a cigarette stuck to his lips, which never falls, never goes out.Otherwise, this skinny guy is part of [10909030] 10 more awesome and badass characters when they smoke a cigarette according to a website specializing in comics and cartoons

Fernando, who is 9 years old and who is in third year of elementary school, knows what are video games with characters who smoke but his mother does not allow them to have them at the May its

Games ", reported by the Truth Initiative organization, 44% of people who start smoking do so after seeing it on a screen and 37% of teens who start smoking do so because of From images with content the cigars that they have seen in movies, series and video games.

Of the 11 most popular video games of 2017, almost half have images that invite you to smoke. In the list appear: "Call of Duty: WWII", "Wolfenstein II: The new Colossus", "Cuphead", "Life is strange: Before the storm" and "Uncharted: The Lost Legacy".

Young people who are very exposed to the images of smoking on the screen are two to three times more likely to start smoking than young people who are slightly exposed, "says the organization.

Section 23 of the General Law for Tobacco Control:

"It is forbidden to carry out any form of sponsorship, as a way to position the brand elements of any tobacco product or to encourage them." purchase and consumption of tobacco products by the consumer

Advertising and promotion of tobacco products will only be directed to adults through adult magazines, personal communications by mail, or in educational institutions. exclusive access to these. ]

The industry, the owners and managers of establishments where the advertising or promotion of these products is carried out must demonstrate the age of the majority of their intended recipients. "


To promote the vapers ( product placement ) a Mexican youtuber with over 60 thousand subscribers whose identity is reserved At your request he says that he makes confidential contracts with companies in exchange for money, products or travel, in addition to the payment that he receives directly from YouTube for the general views of his string which, according to the Social Blade application, is about 6,000 pesos a month. And although it's not a famous youtuber, one of his videos promoting an electronic cigarette has over 400 thousand views.

According to the statistics of this youtuber, its main followers are teenagers aged 7 to 14, like Fernando and Esteban, who belong to the centenarians, a 100% native digital generation that finds everything on the internet and communicates in virtuality.

An article published in the magazine Entrepreneur states that centenarians have "an awareness of brands (since) about 24 months and about 36 to 42 months make the connection the mark says something of his personality. "

And for this reason" more brands worry just because children are beginning to identify them, "says the article.

Advertising regulation is pending for the government to Mexico's tobacco industry has shown that she had a global strategy "that Mexico does not have, which is why the government is fading in its efforts to stop the epidemic, because the computer always progresses two or three ", regrets Erick Antonio Ochoa

. of Regina Blessa the lack of regulation meets the" lobbying "of the industry is very strong. [19659051] Electronic cigarettes or vapors are loaded with capsules of different flavors (fruits and spices) Traditional cigars also come in flavors to prevent new smokers the bad taste of the first tobacco.

"They have good taste, they are good for those who do not smoke so much. But they are as bad (harmful) as the others: the reds (cigars), the whites ": Cynthia, 19, smoker since the age of 14.

" Among the cigarettes, the worst ones are those that disguise the smell of flavors and aromas. These are real poisons disguised with mint, strawberry and other flavors that stimulate children and young people to experience it. In most countries that care about young people, they are already banned ": Regina Blessa.


The report" Children in the optics of the l? Tobacco Industry "shows how there is a well-designed strategy to attract the attention of minors through exposure and advertising in the outlets of tobacco products.

" Shelves cigarettes, packaging and other materials present in the outlets function as advertising agents simply because they exhibit tobacco products. "

Merchant Regina Blessa sets out simpler terms the effect of this type of advertising on minors: "In the case of outlets that mix cigarettes with sweets, the idea is to think that they're in the middle of these tasty things, it should be good too "

Although the sale of cigarettes to min all over the country has been banned since 1986, young people have easy access, says Erick Antonio Ochoa. The problem with respect for the law is that nobody monitors compliance, warns Brahim Zamora.

For example "in Puebla – with 217 municipalities and more than 5 million inhabitants – we have 20 health supervisors for all the state and not just for the regulation of tobacco consumption but for all health problems. "

A municipality may close a place where alcohol is sold to minors, but it can not close a place that sells tobacco to minors." All these inconsistencies generate that the law is not not applicable.

The 2014/16 NPHI Tobacco Products Survey of Secondary Schools in Mexico surveyed an average of 29 tobacco product points around high schools at CDMX, Guadalajara and Monterrey, and that in 97% of the street points in the capital of the country, they sell cigars in bulk.

According to Encodat 2016-2017, three quarters of teenage smokers buy cigarettes at the same time. unit, that is to say in bulk.


The federal government, by de Conadic, presumes a decrease in the prevalence of teenage use, from 6 , 5% in 2011 to 4.9% in 2016.

Erick Antonio Ochoa, Director of Initiatives for the Smoking Control of the Interamerican Heart Foundation (FIC), indicates that the demographic exercises referred by the federal government are not comparable, since in 2011, it was the National Survey on drug addiction, and in 2016, it became the National Survey of Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Use (Encodat).

"It's a comparison that's not so true because if we want to see the full movie since the guidelines of the Tobacco Control Law have begun to apply, we should go to the 2008 National Addictions Survey; from 2008 to 2011 there were probably variations that you do not want to see (…), I think it would be a much fairer comparison. "[19659012] Even assuming without conceding that the decrease is real, he warns that it is a very small number because in other countries, it reaches 20% less prevalence thanks to a strong set of policies.

A sample of policy weakness is the pictogram, which should occupy at least 50% of the package. In Mexico, compliance is simulated by putting a legend that occupies 100% of the back of the package, but the pictogram as such occupies only 30%

More than 197,000 adolescent smokers said that thanks to the pictograms they have prevented They will smoke a cigarette in the last month (Encodat 2016-2017).

The Conadic presumes only in 2017 to have carried out activities, such as "brief interventions, dissemination actions, prevention days, screening, orientation and sensitization sessions". to 3 million 52 thousand 68 adolescents, however, from the point of view of Brahim Zamora it is "almost community efforts", "very isolated, small actions". "We have not seen," he adds, "a national campaign of the dimension of diabetes, or breast cancer, where even the private sector is involved, we have not seen a positioning clear and strong of Conadic. "

of the World Health Organization (WHO) for Tobacco Control is the first and only treaty under the auspices of the WHO to fight the tobacco epidemic [19659052] Mexico joined the CM in 2004


The damage caused by tobacco in the bodies of children and adolescents is irreversible. Guadalupe Ponciano Rodríguez, a specialist in the treatment of addictions in the Department of Public Health of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) explains the health consequences of smoking at an early age:

  • Because the brain finishes to mature at 21 years, smoking at this age has a stronger impact and the addiction is much faster.
  • Higher incidence in the suffering of infectious diseases, mainly in the respiratory tract.
  • prone to diseases such as pulmonary emphysema or acute bronchitis.
  • Minor smokers usually have wheezing.
  • The physicist of a child or adolescent deteriorates because of the consumption of this substance because it puts his heart under greater pressure. Smoking reduces lung resistance and physical resistance.
  • Smoking reduces bone density by 15 to 20%, which in adult life could result in osteoporosis.
  • Genera, consumers are exposed to tooth loss caused by inflammation of the gums called gingivitis.
  • In women, smoking has an impact on the estrogen concentration that occurs. This can cause a change in menstruation and increase the percentage of atypical pregnancy in the girl.
  • The oxygen uptake in the body is reduced by 15%, resulting in premature aging of the reproductive organs. as in the smoker's skin.
  • Minors who live in households with adult smokers are four times more likely to be smokers.
  • It is at the age of 12 to 15 years that smoking affects more adolescents, as is the case a lot of hormonal changes, level of the body and therefore the susceptibility is greater.

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