Telemundo actors suspended for jokes about South Korea


Carmen Aub, David Ponce, Alejandro Felix, Iván Arana and Antonio López Torres, all actors of the series The Lord of the Heavens, were temporarily suspended by the Telemundo network, after having published jokes about South Korea on their social networks.

The penalty came after Mexico went to the knockout stages of the 2018 World Cup in Russia, and many attributed that to South Korea's victory over Germany.

In their social networks, the actors published videos celebrating with gestures in clear reference to Korea, that the network considered as racist.

"The actions of our Lord of Heaven actors in a video posted on Instagram referring to the South Korean football team are offensive and insensitive to the Asian community."

"Our company considers this behavior to be inappropriate and contrary to our values ​​and standards.As a result, distribution members who participated in this type of activity will be temporarily suspended," said the network in a statement. .

Still on their social networks, Carmen Aub posted a video to apologize for the "celebration".

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