Telemundo suspends four actors for a racist gesture towards Koreans


The Telemundo Network suspended five members of the "Lord of Heavens" cast, for making inappropriate gestures in imitating the Korean community, after the triumph of the Asian team at the 2018 World Cup in Russia , which gave the opportunity for Mexico to move to eighth place in the sports competition.

The list of sanctioned artists is led by actress Carmen Aub, who personifies "Rutila", daughter of Aurelio Casillas "El Señor de los Cielos".

Aub and others of his four teammates, infected with World Cup fever, posted a video on Instagram thanking South Korea for beating Germany 2-0 in Russia, because with this result, the national team The Mexicans managed to sneak into the next phase of the World Cup, but the way they did it was described as "racist".

In the video, the actors joked and tried to imitate the Koreans, so they stretched their eyes to imitate the Asian population, gestures for some offensive, even racist. The material has already been removed from the social network.

Situation whereby the channel Telemundo, producer of the soap opera, decided to act in the matter and to apply disciplinary measures to the actors concerned and decided to temporarily suspend them.

"The gestures of the Lord of Heaven's cast members in a video posted on Instagram referring to the South Korean football team are totally offensive and insensitive to the Asian community." Our society views this conduct as extremely inappropriate and contrary to our values ​​and standards.As a result, members of the distribution who participated in this type of activity will be temporarily suspended, "reads the statement.

In addition to Aub, the measure applies to David Ponce, Alejandro Felix, Ivan Arana and Antonio Lopez Torres. the video making "racist" gestures.

The Mexican actress wanted to correct her mistake and posted a video offering an apology to the South Korean community on her Instagram account.

"The reason for this video is to offer an excuse from the bottom of my heart because I think the video that I downloaded & mldr; celebrate the triumph of Korea offended some people and wanted to tell them that at no time was it my intention, on the contrary, "said the 28-year-old Mexican actress.

He says that what he feels for the South Korean people, is to have supported the Mexicans after the 19 September earthquake.

"Without going further into the past earthquake, where we had a lot of casualties, deaths and others gave about $ 2 million and not just money. They also sent specialized engineers to help us, "he said.

" All I have is thanks and if I let myself go by the fever of the Cup I do not know much about football. who know me that they do not define me and those that I do not want to offer from my heart an excuse, "says moved" Rutila Casillas "..

The other actors did not express themselves because of their attitude in the video, nor because of the temporary suspension, announced by Telemundo

Although the distribution of "El Señor de los Cielos" is not the only case of suspension by Telemundo for the same situation.

, he also announced the departure of Chief James Thahhan and Janice Bencosme from the show A New Day.

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