Telephone with nine cameras would be released in 2018


CITY OF MEXICO.- A new Washington Post report suggests that the company that created the first pocket camera with 16 integrated lenses, Light, is working on a smartphone that will seek to overcome. Huawei's camera P20 Pro.

The report describes several prototype phones that include between five and nine photographic lenses on the back, which would result in better performance in low-light environments and better depth effects, reports the SDP Information Portal. .

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Although the new equipment should be ready for commercial launch in the second half of the year, it is yet to be confirmed whether Light is planning to make his own equipment or to fire him.

According to the company, this set of cameras can offer up to 64 megapixels of resolution, and would come with better performance in the absence of light and better depth of field.

Despite Light 's interest in innovation in the mobile technology sector, in the case of the L16, the company was displaying poor software and did not really attract the attention. attention of too many users, despite good publicity. 19659002] However, by having a multilevel technology in its mobile, the company could offer better features than an expensive camera at the present time, according to the Tekcrispy portal. 02] Of course, it may not be an inexpensive device, because the L16 camera that captures 52 megapixel images, went on the market with prices greater than 38 thousand pesos Mexican (950 thousand dollars).

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