Televisoras will pay more than 9,000 pesos to extend its concessions


For the first time in the history of the country's open television service concessions, Iftel Plenary decided that the Multimedios, Televisa and TV Azteca groups were to pay consideration for the extension of their concessions, for a total amount of more than nine thousand 700 million pesos.

In a statement, the Federal Telecommunications Institute (Ifetel) said that the extension of various concessions for commercial purposes covered the operation of 411 digitally broadcast TV stations in different parts of the country.

He specified that the concessions concerned had an expiry date of 31 December 2021 and that in 2018 he had initiated the last fifth of their validity, the requests for extension were therefore duly submitted, in accordance with the legal framework. . this is applicable to them.

Among the new conditions, the concession of 33 concession titles was determined, 23 in the case of Televisa, three for TV Azteca and seven for Multimedios.

The Ifetel plenary determined the amount of the consideration for each extension, in accordance with the provisions of Article 100 of the Federal Telecommunications and Broadcasting Act (LFTyR).

To this end, the opinion of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit was solicited and the results of the two Open Calls for Television launched by Ifetel were taken into account, which allowed 39; estimate the market appreciation for this spectrum. service

For the extensions of the concessions requested by Televisa, the consideration set for all of its 225 stations was 5,000,666.6 million pesos, while for TV Azteca the amount was 3,880.8 million pesos. . Multimedios, which groups seven stations, the total amount is 207.9 million pesos.

The latest payments to be made by the companies will be updated at the date of payment, according to the National Consumer Price Index.

Ifetel asserted that the concessions to extend the concessions would not produce adverse effects on the competition and free competition process, and that their origin would allow the interested parties to continue to provide the licensed service, thereby providing security. applicant and also ensures the continuity of the public service concession for the benefit of the public.

Since its inception, in September 2013 and to date, nearly 1,500 broadcast license extensions have been approved, providing certainty to industry and users about the continuity of services provided, as well as efficient development, competition and free competition in sectors regulated by Ifetel.

In the coming weeks, the regulator will decide to grant more applications for the extension of radio and television, in addition to those already resolved.


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