Temer will meet López Obrador in Puerto Vallarta


Brazilian President Michel Temer announced that he will take advantage of his participation on July 24 at the summit that the leaders of the Mercosur and Pacific Alliance countries will have in Puerto Vallarta to meet with the President elected from Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador

"I recently spoke to López Obrador and we agreed to meet in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, at the Mercosur-Pacific Alliance Summit", announced the Brazilian president in a Twitter account message.

Temer adds that during the conversation, after congratulate López Obrador for his victory in Sunday's presidential elections in Mexico, invited him to work together "to strengthen relations between our countries."

In Puerto Vallarta, which will host the XIII Summit of the Pacific Alliance, the presidents of Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Peru will take the opportunity to meet their counterparts from Mercosur, a block made up of Argentina , Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. several months an approximation and a possible free trade agreement.

Mexico's Foreign Secretary Luis Videgaray reported that United States Secretary of State Michael "Mike" Pompeo will travel to Mexico City on July 13, where he will meet with President Enrique Peña Nieto and López Obrador

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