Terry Crews reveals that he was a victim of sexual abuse in Hollywood


June 28, 2018

For refusing to withdraw the complaint against his attacker, not participating in the fourth part of the saga of the Incredibles

Instagram terrycrews

The actor Terry Crews, known for his participation in the film And where are the Blondes? and in the famous advertisement of Old Spice, reveals this victim of sexual abuse on the part of a recognized Hollywood agent.

"I am an actor, an author, a stranger, a defender and a survivor of sexual assault, Hollywood has definitely been a problem because many people see this as a dream, and there are some people who think they have power, they deceive you into thinking that you expect from this type of behavior, which is part of the job, that this harassment, abuse and even violation is part of your job ", said the 49-year-old actor before the Senate Committee.

According to his statement, he was sexually assaulted in 2016 and explained how the events occurred:

"The attack lasted only a few minutes, but what it wanted to tell me by holding my genitals in his hands, that he was the power, that he controlled, that's how machismo stays in the culture, when he shares my story, they repeat to me that it was not an abuse, that it was just a joke, a joke, but now I can say that the joke of a man is humiliation from another, and I decided to tell my story and share my experience and solidarity with other millions of survivors around the world, which is hard to overcome. "[19659008] WATCH – @terrycrews Opening Statement: "I am honored to use my platform and my story to help create civil protections Additional for Survivors Across the Nation Under Sexual Assault #SurvivorsBillofRights . "

Full video here: https://t.co/RGjyB1WSAm pic.twitter.com/ezi14zs3mY

– CSPAN (@cspan) June 26, 2018 [19659012] Although I do not mention not the name of his attacker, in 2017 amidst the sex scandal in which producer Harvey Weinstein was involved, public Crews in his Twitter account that Adam Venit of WME Entertainment tapped him when they were at a party and although he lodged a complaint, the authorities did not investigate the case.

"I wanted these survivors to know that I believe them, that I support them and that it has happened to me too. "What happened to me happened to a lot of other men in Hollywood, and since I told my story, thousands of men to me say "I've also experienced something like this. But I did not have the confidence, or I did not feel safe to say it. Because what is happening is that they blacklist you, your career is in danger, after that, nobody wants to work with you, "he said. withdraw the lawsuit against Venit, after the band's producer, Avi Lerner, asked him to do so, even contact his representative to tell him to leave the case, and so "many problems will be avoided" speeches, Crews has shown its support for the new Sexual Harassment Survivors' Rights Bill of Rights, a program that aims to guide victims to overcome the trauma caused by a certain type of sexual assault as well as to bring an action in justice against the aggressors, according to the portal Attitude FEM

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