Tesla, down, despite the achievement of the production goal


Tesla INC produced nearly 5,000 Model 3 electric sedans in the last week of its second quarter and the last car left the assembly line on Sunday morning, several hours after the midnight deadline set by its CEO, Elon Musk

The 5,000th car made the final quality checks at the Fremont, Calif. plant, around 5:00 am

It was not clear if Tesla could maintain this level of production for another period.

According to Musk, the company hit its target of 5,000 model 3 cars in a week, according to an email sent to employees Sunday afternoon.

Tesla also plans to produce 6,000 model 3 sedans a week. "Next month."

"I think we have become a real car company," Musk wrote.

The company has crossed the path of Model 3 and achieved its goal of producing 7,000 Model S and Model X vehicles in a week, says Musk in the email

Despite its manufacturing targets, California stocks fell 2.30% to $ 335.07 on the NASDAQ. 19659010] Although the production of Model 3 has been successful, skeptics warn that it will not be viable.

To achieve this goal, workers alternated two 12-hour shifts to speed up production. Even the company has installed a structure outside the production line as an additional line for some auto parts

Tesla has struggled to produce 5,000 cars a week.

The price of model 3 starts at $ 65,000. It will make a cheaper model of $ 35,000 in the near future

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