Elon Musk is an inexhaustible source of ideas and projects in progress. In an interview with recoding Review the progress of Tesla, Space X and The Boring Company not only in 2018, but also in the future. Again give clues about what they are working on and what does not interest them at all, in addition to the others statements not exempt from controversy.

It was an unconventional year for Elon, with several problems and even fines or lawsuits. Despite this, the last quarter reached what began to seem inaccessible: the numbers of Tesla become black again, with its best neighborhood.

"Thanks to the 100-hour weeks for everyone"

Musk said that "everyone" worked 100 hours a week and that, thanks to that, Tesla is alive. Asked about the pressure he exerts on himself, he states the following:

"Ford and Tesla have narrowly escaped the last recession and there is a good chance Ford will not hold the next one. start-up, a car company, it is much harder to succeed than if you are a well established brand. It is absurd that Tesla is alive. Absurd! Absurd. "

Asked by Kara Swisher what he attributes to this merit, the executive responds "to an intense effort" not only by himself, but also claims "Weeks of one hundred hours for everyone". This would have allowed the brand to "overcome the bump"

"For us, making 5,000 cars a week from model 3 is not a big deal, it's quite normal; we are now working to increase the number of models from 3 to 7,000 per week, while keeping the costs at the expense. 6000 or more, maybe 6500 Model 3 a week now, but that would stress people and would save a lot of extra time, there was no other way to make this car. "

The working day in Spain is 40 hours a week, eight hours a day. 100 hours a week means working more than 14 hours a day, Saturday and Sunday included. It was recently Rockstar that was facing a similar work exploitation controversy, also claiming in an interview that they had come to do 100-hour weeks and needed to clarify the situation. Musk asserts and the interview continues as such.

You can listen to the moment yourself from minute 10:

Vehicles in Tesla and what we will not see

In the interview, Musk did not give too much detail about the vehicles that Tesla is developing, but on which they would be interested – or not – in developing it. By size and type of support:

  • Nothing electric scooters. "They lack dignity," said the executive, without further explanation.
  • Do not exclude electric bike: "I think we could do an electric bike, yes."
  • The electric motorcycle, discarded. "I almost killed myself with 17 years," "the death chances are 25 times greater" than with cars, "then no, we will not make an electric motorcycle".
  • The van, the vehicle with which he claims to be "more excited", to the point that he claims to be unaware of the true interest behind and plugs in: "I do not really know if there will be many people who will buy this truck or not, but I do not care ".
  • The VTOL (vertical landing, a sort of vertical take-off electric jet) "would be interesting at a given moment".
  • The airplanes as such, discarded.

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