This is one of the strengths of Elon Musk's career, so much so that he has achieved his goal of putting a Tesla and a model called Starman in space with the Falcon Heavy, and crossing his fingers to be able to reach Mars. Well, it seems that the mission of the business is about to be completedfrom the Roadster and affectionately nicknamed him Starman, as a tribute to David Bowie, they are already gravitating around the red planet, as confirmed by SpaceX's Twitter account.

In fact, this is not the only reference geek SpaceX put in his tweet: with the Do not panic who integrated the Roadster screen, the space company made another nod to the Galactico Hitchhiker Guide, referring to the "Restaurant at the end of the universe", the title of the second installment of Douglas Adams and considered by far as the to summarize of science fiction comedy:

Whatever the case may be, SpaceX is taking important steps and its plans are coming true: the Tesla Roadster and the Starman they have been in space for 10 months since they went into orbit in February thanks to the Falcon Heavy test, the largest SpaceX rocket and the most powerful ever used to transport materials in space since the decommissioning of NASA Saturn V rockets, the same men to the moon during the Apollo era in the 60s.

If the initial plan is completed and the calculations are correct, Tesla and Starman will return at some point in the Earth's orbit, if it does not collide with a space object or an asteroid before. The Tesla Orbit Model Study, conducted by a team at the Scarborough Planetary Science Center at the University of Toronto, calculates that Starman will again touch the orbit of the Earth, a few thousand kilometers from our planet, in 2091.

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