Testosterone makes you want luxury


A study associates the hormone with this preference

LONDON (EFE) .- Testosterone, the male sex hormone, increases men's preferences for brand-related products with a higher social status high, according to a study published yesterday in "Nature Communications".

Research conducted by Professor Hilke Plaslmann of Insead Business School reveals that the consumption of goods considered luxurious is partly due to biological reasons.

] In the experiment, 243 men of similar age and socio-economic backgrounds were selected. At random, half received a small dose of testosterone similar to what your body would produce in everyday emotional situations, such as attending a sporting event or seeing someone's attractive, and the other part took a placebo.

men had to choose between two different brands, which had products of similar quality but with a different social perception. Those who received the testosterone dose had a greater preference for products associated with higher social status.

The second test, which aimed to test the link between testosterone and the two leading indicators of high social status and power, showed only a relationship between this hormone and status.

According to the researchers, the results would be useful for generating new hypothetical contexts in which men, by increasing testosterone, would be more predisposed to acquiring products associated with

Gideon Nave, one of the teachers involved in the work, warns against the need to consider that "cultural differences can play an important role in this type of behavior".

Details of the study

Provides the first theoretical data of the biological basis of the consumption preference of certain products


Professor Gideon Nave believes that research should be repeated in other population groups.

] Important Role

Testosterone plays a key role in sexual desire and the physical appearance of a man

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