Thai divers participate in the search for children trapped in the cave


Thai rescue teams are now trying to penetrate through a narrow gallery, blocked by floods and the accumulation of mud, which gives access to the central cavity where the authorities estimate that 12 miners remain trapped and Narongsak Osotthanakorn, governor of Chiang Rai – where the cave is located – said that the divers managed to reach a confluence of passages, within one kilometer of each other. where they could be the missing.

"As we move forward, the units have found a small cavity as an obstacle that they must develop to overcome," Narongsak said at a press conference, "Bangkok Post "

. ] Since the alarm ring was given last 23, some 1,300 troops participated in the search and rescue tasks in the cave of the Tham Luang-Khun Nam Nang Natural Park, in the Orteña province of Chiang Rai.

The hopes are deposited in an island, known as "Pattaya Beach", in the central cavity of the cave and to which the rescue teams have not yet managed to gain access.

The main obstacles are the many narrow passages along the cave, the fourth longest in Thailand with about 10 kilometers long and frequent changes in level.

The teams used about 20 extraction bombs to reduce the water level in the most waterlogged parts, the tasks that were hampered by the rainstorm that raged in the area and the mechanical problems

According to the official version, The Missing – 12 minors between 11 and 16 years old members of a football team and their coach, aged 26 – entered the galleries last Saturday after s & # 39; be driven when a sudden storm started to flood the cavity and prevented its exit.

Given the difficulty of underground access, the authorities also follow the dense jungle of the mountain in search of alternative entrances to the cave through which to descend

Bicycles, Shoes and Others equipment of the missing. they were found inside the cave, where steps and fingerprints were also found in the depths.

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