Thanks to my departure, Pumas was able to constitute a good team: Nico Castillo


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Nicolás Castillo went back into the controversy with The cougars. The now in front of the America He assured that the fans do not realize that thanks to the directive of the cats made its transfer to Benfica of Portugal, the Pedregal could constitute a good list.

Even though the Chilean striker assured that He left everything when he defended the shirt Auriazul, He added that he did not like Pedregal's painting much.

"When I made the decision to come here, I clearly balanced the balance The cougars, it was a year and a half that I lived here good times, bad times, I always left everything, I gave everything, I left everything to the club for my companions, I am a professional, I said, I am just a fan of a team in ChileI'm a professional, "he told TV Azteca.

"I said that if I wanted to go back (to Pumas), it was only if they wanted me. Today, they have a very good alignment and I am also very happy because Thanks to my departure they could also make a very good team And that's what people do not see either, and that's also why we're here. "

After reaching The cougars in 2017, the striker has left a legacy of goals, although he is currently stripping himself of the idol label on the list of America.

"I do not like the role of idol and minute by minute, I want to show why I'm here. "

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