That's the reason you should not try to feed a shark directly to the hand


Feeding animals in their natural habitat is not usually a bad idea unless it's a shark and you want to feed it directly into the mouth. This idea was bumped up to this woman in Australia, but fortunately she was saved from being much worse

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Melissa Brunning, originally from the Australian city of Perth, had the idea of ​​feeding a shark of considerable size directly into her stuffy. The next thing that happened is just what you imagine. Is there anyone waiting for something else to happen?

Brunning attempted to feed a tawny porbeagle shark from a boat in an Australian bay. These sharks can grow to a height of up to 3.20 meters, although the one that was found with this Australian woman was not so big, measured only 2.20 meters. This species is not usually aggressive, but even so, Brunning acknowledges that what he did was irresponsible.

Fortunately, the meeting did not cost him so much. Brunning says that he had the impression of having ripped his finger with all the bones, but the doctors only diagnosed a fractured index and a torn ligament.

For Brunning, it's a lesson learned. "It's not the shark's fault, it's not a shark attack, I've just done something stupid," he told Perth Now [19459032recognizingthathumansdonotcontrolwatertopofthefoodchain

If you want to feed wild animals, it is best to do so with great care and without getting too close to them, but only what is needed. Otherwise, it can happen to you as in Brunning, or as to this boy who tried to stroke a wild elephant while eating, another bad idea. [vía ABC News / Perth Now]

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