The 12 warriors beat the United States


In a spectacular night for Paco Cruz, Mexico overtook the United States in its elimination match towards the World Cup next year.

Cruz, Fuenlabrada player in the Spanish ACB finished with 24 points and quickly established himself As for the offensive, he scored six of the first 11 points; He took the reins of the team sharing the playmaker position with Orlando Méndez Valdéz, who was also a key player in the early advantage; the player from Soles de Mexicali stole the ball on the first coin to turn it into two units and awaken the madness of supporters of Juan de la Barrera.

The visitor, led by experienced coach Jeff Van Gundy, spent six minutes earlier adding to the scoring of the free throw line. They lost 18-1 and the stage was very beneficial for the Mexicans.

Diego Willis came to rest from Méndez and scored a hat-trick in his first try, also Israel Gutiérrez was accurate since the beginning of the match in replacement of captain Gustavo Ayón and he scored two free goals in a first game that it is totally reserved

The first units of Nayarita arrive in the same way, which makes its return to the official matches after three years of absence.
Mexico did not count on the double threat of Ayón and Lorenzo Mata of the Americas FIBA ​​of Venezuela in 2013, when they were crowned champions and won the ticket for the 2014 World Cup in Spain, but it was not a field day with Rashawn Thomas. Kevin Jones and Trey McKinney fight for all the balloons.

Mata returns to contribute to his commitment to compete in painting in a second half where the advantage for the nationals was maintained in front of a selection composed of basketball players of the G-League and experience in Europe, none of the NBA was convened in this instance of the tie, despite the fact that the world champions did not get the ticket for China 2019.

At half-time, with the partial 45- 28, was made a tribute to the Mexican national team that played the 1968 Olympics on the same stage, directed half a century ago by Arturo Guerrero, who was also present for a standing ovation.

Iván Deniz had a start of intense competition with the national team A few weeks ago he replaced his compatriot Sergio Valdeolmillos and he spent 40 minutes at the edge of the line giving instructions, especially when Willis was on the ground.
Ju an Anderson-Toscano, one of the most talented of the tricolor team, had a discreet first half, more defensive and helping his teammates, until the middle of the third quarter when he arrived alone at the painting and nailed the ball arrogantly and won

But they were not the best moments to celebrate, two minutes later, the Americans had already reduced the distance to nine with a triple from Alex Caruso of the right corner, to which Deniz responded by a timeout.

On the basis of the triples, they approached a score of 55-51 to enter the last quarter, began playing with the exhaustion of Mexican starters and took advantage of the athletic advantage of their players.

Gabriel Girón Jr. and Cruz were responsible for its maintenance, the Nogales converted his third hat-trick of the night by subtracting less than eight minutes to return to Mexico separated by seven. It was time to take care of the perimeter and up to # 39, that Ayón leaves his area to defend the long distance.

An unusual night for the center of Real Madrid, he was not the top scorer, but in assists (9) and rebounds (9), with Cruz, Valdez, Girón and Toscano have retained the l & # 39; advantage of sealing the victory. Now think of the match of Puerto Rico, who beat Cuba 84-80 in the activity of Group C.

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