The 2018 Academy begins | DEBATE


With the presentation of the 17 aspirants singing the new hymn of this well-known reality in Mexico, the most important television project began for the Mexican company Azteca UNO.

Also read: 4 students leave today

The mystery ended and on stage it was confirmed with its presentation to the jury that program after program will give its opinion on the performance of new academics.
They are Horacio Villalobos, Arturo Lopez Gavito, Edith Márquez and the head of Tracalesa Edwin Luna.

The debate

Read also: The Academy beats the competition again

The duets in which the candidates showed what they are made of and the talent they bring to this Academy started with the representatives Tijuana , Daniela Montes and Paola Chuc from Guatemala with the theme You want so much to want with criticism with adjectives like "a sad and cute presentation" according to Gavito and Villalobos.

The debate

They followed Charly Govea from Monterrey and Durango's Monserrat Medina with the 3-hour reggaeton theme of which they did not receive any favorable reviews, even Gavito recommended Charly to leave his attitude as # 39; political events host and to her that "her years lived in Bangkok" have failed in her interpretation. "

That no one knows my suffering was the subject that continued in the interpretation of the Sinaloa aspirant Karen Valenzuela and Tijuana's representative, Dalia Duarte who received no positive criticism even Judge Horacio Villalobos compared his performance to that of a couple of guests at a marriage that does not sing and "goes up to sing"

Foto El Debate

Isbo de Tamaulipas and Katherine from Honduras who sang the song that made Camila's band "Aléjate de mí" famous, an interpretation that was not appreciated by the judges and in which Judge Edwin Luna Isbo's guest specifically gives the best of him as in Monterrey where the singer has seen him play.

The rhythm of the band came with the theme These jealousies in duet with Fernando Dávila de Coahuila and Alexis Cristóbal de Chiapas in which the mediocre, humorous and other adjectives that did not favor the young aspirants .

The surprise of the night came with Adal Ramones performing the anthem of the Academy in a musical version accompanied by Chacho Gaytán on piano and with the presence on stage of Azteca's talent with Ventaneando, Venga the Alegría, Todo a Show, S embracing, Javier Alatorre, Jorge Garralda among others for the 25th anniversary of television.

If you did not know how to love, it was the song that the representatives of CDMX Monserrat Ibarra and Paulina Villasenor were not surprised by the judges.

In honor of the late Joan Sebastian, former academics appeared on the new scene of this reality show; Alexis, Samuel, Erasmo, Miguel Ángel, Wendolée and Laura

Romanticism was present with the theme Volverte a amar with Ana Sámano de Jalisco and Silvia Zepeda de Michoacán who surprised his family to be married. Edith Márquez described them as artists and the other critics were not as discouraging as in the other duets, although the debate between the judges was assembled with the comparison in the form of the original artist of the song Alejandra Guzmán.

Foto The debate

Sinaloa Adolfo Esponda and Michoacán Sócrates Cruz came on stage to interpret the theme Fascination in which the judges criticized the disagreement and the search for its authenticity.

Diego Almonte of Chile interpreted the theme Today I'm leaving and he did it alone because Adal Ramones reported that a student named Sofía missed the occasion of the Academy for personal reasons. Despite this, Diego was the first student Horacio Villalobos to tell him to be the first to be well planted on the stage, while Gavito told him that tonight had brilliantly shone, opinion shared by the other judges Edith Marquez and Edwin of Tracalosa.

Photo The debate

Prior to the departure of this applicant during the program was notified to Maryan Herrera another of the candidates who had been chosen to re-audition live during the program, a challenge that she accepted and that she did. arrived when she sang in front of the judges the topic "Today I'm leaving." Despite the problems that he had with the setting and its development, the judges praised his dynamism and l & # 39; emotion with which he sang.

In this note:

  • The Academia 2018
  • The Academia begins
  • Azteca launches The Academia
  • Tv Azteca

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