The 2019 budget will be delivered on September 15


Milenio Digital

The virtual secretary of the Treasury, Carlos Urzúa said that the Main Estimates the Initiative on income and amendments to the tax code, if necessary, will be delivered to the Union Congress on September 15, proposals to be prepared with the "concurso ( concurso) "

" It will be necessary to develop new programs, with programs that may no longer exist, with economic criteria that may differ slightly from those that were fixed up to now in the Pre Criteria of March, "he said at a press conference after his meeting with the virtual president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Urzúa says that once the current government will deliver the initial proposal, the team of López Obrador will reform it to incorporate the new programs envisaged by the next administration.

Gerardo Esquivel who will act as undersecretary of expenditure in the next administration, will have to work in collaboration with Úrsula Carreño currently under-secretary of this branch at the Ministry of Finance.

One of the changes that emerges is the reduction of 1945 to 13% of VAT in the free zone of the northern border of the country which includes 30 kilometers.

"Between Tijuana and Mexicali, enter Ensenada, not enough, but enter Ciudad Juárez, enter Reynosa, then there will be a differentiated VAT", he explained

. The current administration has increased the VAT from 11 to 16% in the north of the country to equalize with the rest of the country. provoked a series of actions promoted by citizens, private initiative and political parties.

Urzúa also informed that in the next administration all government purchases will be centralized with the aim of reducing costs and reducing the corruption that currently occurs in this activity.

"Prices are going to be a lot cheaper, but the most important is that it is not traded.It is negotiated only once under the framework agreement.It is more simple as it appears and it will take time. "

The next Secretary of the Treasury said the most obvious source of corruption in federal and state government purchases are drugs and medical equipment.

"What we are going to do is something that the IMSS has already done: it has consolidated its own purchases of drugs, which has involved a very important economy.The federal government has three major institutions that provide medical services: IMSS, ISSSTE and the Ministry of Health then the three will be forced to buy drugs together, so the decline will be even greater and the possibility of corruption will be significantly reduced, "he said. said.


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