The 5 Best Buildings of Fortnite Playground


  Castillo Fortnite

Able to provide hours of fun trying to survive and kill other players, now with the playgroud modality Fortnite offers a lot more. That is why we present to you shortly the first 5 Fortnite constructions in the playground.

VIEW: The fortnite playground will be permanent!

Playground, a new and fun way to play

This new game mode, in Spanish, & # 39; Playground & # 39; allowed users to exploit their creativity, making incredible constructions. Although his main goal was to provide a space for novice players so that they could learn and become familiar with the game. Let's see, then, these 5 amazing creations made at Fortinite .

5. Inverted Pyramid

If you are aware of news in Fortnite, you may have already heard or seen somewhere the 'Great Pyramid'. built in the game. Although this construction is fascinating and incredible, we wanted to show you the inverted pyramid, because it is certainly much more impressive. It is practically just an inverted pyramid that is hollow

  Pyramid in Fortnite

4. The war chariot

Another construction that caught our attention was the large war chariot. Although it may seem simple, this creation is certainly incredible. Just take a look away to realize his genius.

  Fortress War Tank

3. Titanic en fortnite

Now, yes, we started with the heavyweights. This striking and incredible cruise was built almost entirely by one user. Truly surprises the creativity, patience and dedication these players must have to create these wonderful constructions

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2 . Fortress of 5 towers

This fortress built with wooden materials has 4 towers and a central larger than the rest. The central tower is connected to the others by means of small bridges. In addition, it has a large entrance. Every detail of this fortress makes it amazing and imposing.

  Castillo in Fortnite

1. The Great Wall of China Fortun

And finally, the most incredible construction of all, the creation of the Great Wall of China. That's right, a very creative user wanted to recreate one of the 7 wonders of the modern world . Undoubtedly a unique and ingenious creation worthy of admiration, because it is quite similar to the authentic since when seeing it, it immediately transmits to us the image of the Great Wall of China

  Chinese Wall in Fortnite

All these constructions show us how creative they can be to be certain people And even if it may seem insignificant, it takes a lot of patience and ingenuity to achieve these creations

It should be noted that these are only 5 of the best constructions of Fortnite in Playground mode ] It is very likely that over time, users will be encouraged to make buildings and structures much more elaborate. All that remains is waiting to see what new wonders will surprise us, because there is still a lot of potential.

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