The 500 richest people in France have tripled their fortunes in ten years | trends


The 500 richest people in France led by LVMH's leading luxury shareholder, Bernard Arnault, have doubled their holdings over the past decade, according to the latest ranking of the magazine "Challenges "

The 650,000 million euros controlled by this half-million lucky have increased by 13% last year and account for 30% of all wealth produced in France compared to the 10% that they represented in 2009, one year after the beginning of the last great economic crisis

According to the ranking of 2018 – dominated by the owners of large luxury hotels -, Arnault (Roubaix, 1949) amassed a fortune of 73,200 million euros. euros, considered the first of Europe and the fourth world.

Behind, brothers Alain and Gérard Wertheimer, owners of Chanel who climbed from sixth to second place ranking thanks to their 40 billion euros of fortune.

the family Hermès of the same-name luxury group (39,600 million), almost related to the owners of the cosmetic group L'Oréal (39,300 million).

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