The 6 claims of Roberto Palazuelos to Luis Miguel for the series


Much more than Stephanie Salas Mother Michelle is Roberto Palazuelos who seems more bored by the way his relationship with was told Luis Miguel in the biography of Netflix that last night reached the end of his first season.

The first time The Black Diamond expressed his annoyance with whom he was one of his closest friends during his youth was at dawn Monday 14 May just a few hours after Netflix aired the fourth episode of the series, in which Bobby – character based on Palazuelos -, is described as the gossip informant Luis Miguel ] on the flirtation between his then girlfriend, the photographer Mariana Yazbek and El Moro nickname given in fiction to the filmmaker Alejandro González Iñárritu .

Since then, Palazuelos has been dedicated to denying every scene in which he appears Bobby ignored the plane that Luis Miguel had in his youth and He even threatened his friend to sue him.

Here we share a recount of his "claims":

"I did not go there"

After the issuance of the fourth chapter, Roberto Palazuelos is went on Twitter, where he claimed not to be a gossip and He added that he had not attended the first wedding of Yuri for what he described as "imprecise" to the television series:

The accident in the car

In the fifth episode, Luis Miguel has a car accident, for which even a fan was about to lose his life. Because with the previous chapter, Palazuelos gave his opinion, some media went to the actor to know his version of the events. However, The Black Diamond tried to mark the distance:

"I will not give interviews or clarify anything.I do not want any more scandals.I am in Italy ", he said Palazuelos via WhatsApp to the magazine Who .

"I do not know about you, but I'm still traveling"

The life of Palazuelos returned to calm for at least five weeks, up to chapter 10 of L [19459007Miguel:Theseries showed a discussion between Mickey and Bobby who in the plot had just obtained his first stellar role in a telenovela.

With the data mentioned in the fiction, the fans of Luis Miguel deduced that Bobby that is to say Palazuelos returned to the order paper ] Muchachitas Televisa published between 1991 and 1992.

However, the climax of episode 10 was the moment when Bobby mocks Luis Miguel for the disappearance of his mother and asks him not to recognize as his daughter the one he had with Sophie (ie Stéphanie Salas ).

Given the ridiculous that he received on social networks, Palazuelos uploaded a video on Instagram in which he made fun of the series, which portrays him as a person who has lived at the expense of Luis Miguel .

"When I see him, I will ask him to take me to travel"

The discontent of Palazuelos with Luis Miguel did not stop there . To two chapters of which the production arrived at the end of its first season, The Black Diamond went to the program Today of Televisa, where he repeated that the series is imprecise and that he has never celebrated his role with a party in Baby & # 39; O ; He also assured that he never made fun of the disappearance of Marcela Basteri .

" Muchachitas was in 1991, there (in the series) I am supposed to have a party at the Baby & # 39; O to celebrate Muchachitas which is not true, never did I do it (…) and Luis Miguel laughed and I fought with him and we insulted ourselves horribly, that never happened, what it's not true, "he said. Palazuelos mocked El Sol and assured that "the plane of Luis Miguel did not even arrive at Guadalajara, it's a lie, when I see it, I'll say: Hey, Mickey you will make me travel around the world.

On the point of demand

Already incarnate, Palazuelos said that if he wanted it, he could sue Luis Miguel to take advantage of his image and to degrade it with the way in which they represented it in the series.

"Yes, I get angry, because I get a flood of insults on Twitter, on Instagram and on my son (…), what do you want, throw me out of there? "enemy? S" he will not give me public apologies in the future, he will be my enemy, "he told him The Black Diamond to ] Ventaneando .

"If you continue to give this treatment to people, be careful because at all times they will claim you." They protect themselves with the caption "It's fiction". I am not interested (…): subject to trial and I ask you I do not know how many millions have used my image without permission, "he added.

"Mickey was a padrotazazazo"

As icing on the cake, Palazuelos went to the program Members on the Air in which one of his drivers is Jorge El Burro Van Rankin, who also appears in the series of Luis Miguel .

There, both The Black Diamond and The Burro agreed that the series is imprecise and lamented that Mickey is not as depicted with his excess.

On the way, he was represented in fiction, El Burro recalled that when he met the actor who plays it in the series: "I arrived with 40 Italians and gringas, you bring to pure bastard, it looks like this gay bar ", says

" Mickey at this age was a padrotatazazo ( …) was a generation of very many pop, what you see there is nothing about how we spent it ", agreed Palazuelos who s & dquo; Is also boasted of having traveled "on the best planes of Los Pinos ".



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