The 63rd anniversary of women's vote in Mexico is celebrated – Health, education and well-being – Notes


July 3 (Notimex) .- In the elections of July 3, 1955, Mexican women went to the polls for the first time to vote, to elect the federal deputies to the XLIII legislature, recalled the Ministry of Labor. Interior (Segob)

On this occasion, the candidate for the Presidency of the Republic, in 1952, Adolfo Ruiz Cortines, promised unrestricted citizenship for women at a campaign rally attended by about 20,000 women.

On October 17, 1953, Ruiz Cortines, already president, promulgated the constitutional reforms that gave women the vote in the federal sphere and the new text of the Constitutional Article 34 was published in the official gazette.

In the year In 1953, the right to suffrage for women was recognized, after the organization and participation of women in feminist forums in which they claimed their rights as citizens.
the recognition of equality in political participation.

"A day like today, but in 1955 women voted for the first time in Mexico. Since then, he has continued his struggle to participate in making decisions involving his family, his #DDHH and the nation, "said the federal agency on his Twitter account @SEGOB_mx.

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