The 8 axes of the national plan of peace and security 2018-2024


The next government, which will lead Andrés Manuel López Obrador, announced constitutional reforms to establish the nature, scope and powers of the National Guard, in order to facilitate its action in the context of National Peace and Security Plan 2018-2024.

The plan is structured around 8 axes aimed at rethinking national security and reorienting the role Armed forcesto create a National Guard and establish regional coordination.

The approach is to move forward from a perspective of respect for human rights and freedoms.

The 8 points are:

  • Reduce corruption and reactivate the administration of justice
  • Reformulate the fight against drugs
  • Guarantee employment, education, health and well-being
  • Undertake the construction of peace
  • Full respect and promotion of human rights
  • Recovery and dignification
  • Ethical regeneration of society
  • Public Safety Plan

According to the explanatory memorandum, violence, killings and crimes in Mexico have reached unprecedented levels and the country is among the least secure in the world.

"Poverty, marginalization and the lack of education and health services are at the root of this criminal boom that Mexico is facing," he said.

"It is necessary to abandon the authoritarian vision and the use of force as a strategy".

In addition, there is a need to expand the sovereignty of individuals and communities.

It is essential, he continues, to formulate new paradigms of national, domestic and public security, crime prevention, prosecution and justice, the restoration of the rule of law and the reintegration of offenders.

The extent and power of criminal groups in Mexico can only be understood through corruption and networks of institutional complicity, he said.

1.- Reduce corruption and reactivate the administration of justice

One of the basic conditions for dealing with insecurity and violence is to eliminate corruption, which will significantly reduce the crime rate.

We must rank corruption among serious crimes. Establish the mandatory nature of the declarations of assets, taxes and interests of all civil servants; eliminate jurisdiction; eradicate tax havens; monitor online and real-time money acquisitions; and perform mandatory market price controls prior to any acquisition. We must weaken or reduce the finances of organized crime and reduce money laundering.

2.- Guarantee employment, education, health and well-being

Poverty reduction, marginalization and family and social disintegration will provide a lasting basis for reducing the commission of crimes of all kinds. With sectoral development and social protection programs, the government will strengthen the social sector of the economy and facilitate its entry into the energy and telecommunications sectors.

3.- Respect and promotion of human rights

Violations of human rights are multiplying and perpetuating impunity. Failure to respect the recommendations of National and National Commissions on human rights constituting crimes, accompanied by a defined penalty.

Build a culture of human rights both in the official study plans and in the publicity tools of the various government bodies.

The crackdown will be eradicated and no one will be tortured, disappeared or killed by a state security corps.

The new government will not allow illegal acts to be committed and will investigate any allegation of human rights violations.

It will promote, through available legal means, the release of those who, without having committed violent acts, are in prison for political reasons, as well as the extinguishment of charges and criminal cases arising from the participation of the accused acts of legal resistance and legal proceedings. peaceful

4.- Ethical regeneration of society

Poverty, marginalization, the regular denial of fundamental rights and the lack of a horizon of achievement resulting from the removal of mobility mechanisms have generated social resentment that is part of the crisis of values ​​and coexistence. This resentment and crisis are, in turn, one of the components of the outbreak of violence and crime.

Moral regeneration is both a means and an objective of the fourth transformation. The moral constitution project does not aim to impose behaviors or values ​​on anyone, but to offer guidelines for coexistence between individuals and duties to the community.

Ethical regeneration will be the exemplary intention of an exercise that is austere, honest, transparent, inclusive, respectful of freedoms, respectful of the law and responsive to the needs of the weak. Ethical regeneration will result in the overriding option of peaceful methods and the prior confidence in the good behavior of the vast majority of people.

5.- Reformulate fight 5 with drugs

The current prohibitions are so discretionary and arbitrary that they apply to cocaine, marijuana, heroin, methamphetamines and lysergic acid, but do not affect it. not the production and sale of alcohol, tobacco, drinks containing taurine and caffeine. free consumption of certain antidepressants and sleeping pills.

This prohibition is inefficient from a public health perspective and stimulates drug trafficking by promoting increased profit margins and profitability for the production, distribution and sale of banned drugs.

The "war on drugs" has aggravated a public health problem, such as the consumption of banned substances, until it becomes a public safety issue.
Drug trafficking is a transnational activity in which our country is a producer of marijuana, poppy and methamphetamines, but also a transit and transportation territory for South American cocaine.

The idea of ​​lifting the ban on illegal drugs currently in force has international implications inevitable because Mexico is a neighbor of the United States, the largest drug market in the world, with 27 million regular users and dozens thousands of deaths a year due to intoxications and overdoses.

The only realistic action to reduce levels of drug use is to reuse, in a negotiated and bilateral way, the resources currently being used to combat its transfer and to use them in programs – massive but personalized – for reintegration and detoxification.

6.- Start the construction 6 of peace

The police and the war strategy have caused an extremely serious human and social tragedy: more than 200,000 people have been murdered and more than 37,000 are missing. Mexico has become a country of victims.

During national consultations and listening forums for the building of peace and national reconciliation, it was clear that justice has not been done to the vast majority of the dead, wounded, tortured, absent and displaced persons and that the corresponding crimes remained unpunished.

The building of peace and reconciliation will be sought on the basis of truth, justice, reparation and the guarantee of non-repetition of the crimes committed.
Currently banned drug regulation can have an impact on reducing addictions, significantly reducing profit margins and the social base of drug trafficking, and therefore significantly reducing violence.

There is a need for a process of pacification and the adoption of transitional justice models that guarantee victims' rights, ie special laws, to end armed clashes and enable disarmament and surrender. offenders; for this, their rights must be guaranteed, they must be offered reductions of sentences and even amnesties, subject to the approval of the victims – whether individual or collective – and propose a change of life.

Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration processes need to be launched under clear conditions:

· Comprehensive collaboration with justice

· Unquestionable manifestation of repentance

· Damage repair · Forgiveness granted by the victims

7.- Recovery and dignity 7 of prisons

The country's penal system is facing serious distortions. It is necessary to regain control of the sentences inflicted by delinquency and separate the accused from the convicts, to ensure that the prison is not a double punishment for women, to respect the conditions of housing, health and the feeding of detainees and general respect for their human rights.

8.- Public Security Plan

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