"The Academy" by Adal Ramones: love could be expensive Diego Almonte | Mexico | Trade | TV | Television


Week by Week Reality " The Academy " of TV Azteca, directed by Adal Ramones shows the talent of several young people, who are not all from Mexico . One of the foreigners is Diego Almonte (Chile), who in the previous weeks was considered one of the best of the program.

After singing Reyli Barba's song "Amor del bueno", Diego de Chile was severely criticized by the members of the jury, some of them claiming that their recent affair with another participant of "La Academia" Ana Sámano had taken her toll.

Edith Márquez : "This question did not favor you. (…) The hormone is the hormone, age is age, but do not really being distracted right now with this guy "

Arturo López :" You did not live up to the song or anything, I thought you had greater potential and I I'm really disappointed with what you did tonight. "

Later, Diego questioned the knowledge of the judges of" The Academy . "" Tomorrow we will have the revision with the professors and they will tell me, maybe the Judges are not right, "he said.

For their part, followers of the program on the social network Twitter have expressed their opinion about Diego

How much more can the Chilean stay in the program if his performance does not improve?


" The Academy "is transmitted every Sunday at 20:00 for the Mexican channel TV Azteca.

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