"The Academy" resumes its essence to be reborn


After six years of rest, the eleventh edition of The Academy is about to be created and it will be performed by Judges Arturo López Gavito, Edith Márquez, Horacio Villalobos and Edwin Luna , as well as conductor Adal Ramones and co-host Cynthia Rodríguez.

During the team's presentation at Azteca Novelas facilities, Alberto Ciurana, general manager of content and distribution, said the bet is to save the essence of the first generation. 19659002] "I decided to save the project, what I wanted, it was to go to the basics, what was the first season, which was wonderful although it was me gave a lot of headaches honestly, but it was a great product He said:

He added, "The first one was successful without social networks, imagine what we are going to be able to create with that; we will have a Orange Room where every day we will generate content, but we will respect the original format. "

One by one the judges came in. López Gavito returned to that position that he had already occupied, grateful but with an open mind:" We are coming by the time of Mexico, Mexico is evolved and in transition and The Academy must do the same thing, we will not go back The Academy has been sick for a while and is reborn today Along with the foundations of the original project, today we pledge to be firm and objective because it is the A school of criticism created by Televisión Azteca, "he said. [19659002] Márquez said that it is a challenge for the participants to live because they will learn what is the criticism and how to approach it.With Luna, he states that they come to share their experiences and pass on what they experienced while Villalobos appears as one of the most strict judges by stating that "the arts need rigor and the lack of rigor does not happen with you ".

Since its launch in June 2002, The Academy ] has become a televised phenomenon that has lasted a decade and has left personalities like Carlos Rivera, the third generation winner and one of the Today's brightest alumni of today.

Yahir and Yuridia also distinguished themselves; nevertheless, none of them was champion in its editions, which earned Myriam Montemayor and Erasmo Catarino, respectively in first place.


The aspirants of this edition, who will be competing for their stay this Sunday, July 8, are Ana, Daniela, Paola, Diego, Alexis, Karen, Isboseth, Montserrat, Charly, Dalia, Adolfo, Katheryn, Fernando, Paulina, Jose, Silvia and Montse.

The staff of the teachers is integrated by the director of the reality Héctor Martínez, with the choreographer Guiller Gómez; vocal coach Rául Carballeda and Beto Castillo; the singers Karen Moon and Jorge Romano.

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