The activity in the Sierra Negra volcano causes 160 mild earthquakes


Quito .- The internal and superficial activity of the volcano Sierra Negra in the Ecuadorian Archipelago of Galápagos has remained today High "and its trend does not notice any changes, according to a latest report from the Geophysical Institute (IG) of the Ecole Polytechnique.

More than 160 light earthquakes were recorded inside the volcano, located in the south of Isabela Island. , the largest and the western archipelago, which erupted last Tuesday.

In the last 24 hours, the colossus generated 113 long-lived vulcanectectonic type earthquakes [45] and 15 hybrids, related to fluid movement and rock fracture at Inside, indicated the IG

In addition, two low-frequency events were heard by the infrasound microphones placed on the volcano for surveillance. [19659005] The Utopians retain the "caution orange" status, in the volcano area, which emanated from lava flows through a sector that poses no risk to them. colonies of giant turtles and land iguanas, as well as for agricultural farms. in neighboring localities

The Galapagos National Park Authority (PNG), the entity responsible for monitoring the fragile ecosystem of the archipelago, has indicated that the four giant tortoise populations of the species Chelonoidis guntheri and A population of land iguanas This island of Isabela is protected because the lava flows are directed to the northwest of the caldera.

The Sierra Negra is the largest volcano in the Ecuadorian island region . The largest craters in the world, with a diameter of about 10 kilometers, noted PNG.

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Its height reaches 1,124 meters above sea level and its last eruptions are recorded in the years 1979 and 2005.

The Galapagos Islands are located a few thousand kilometers to the west of the continental coasts Ecuadorian and were declared in 1978 The natural heritage of humanity of Unesco

The archipelago owes its name to the large turtles that inhabit it, and its terrestrial and marine reserves contain a rich biodiversity, considered as a natural laboratory, which allowed the British scientist Charles Darwin to develop his theory on the evolution and the natural selection of species

In this note:

  • Galapagos Islands
  • Volván Sierra Negra
  • Sierra Negra Eruption

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