The actor of "The Lord of the Heavens & # 39;


The actor died this Sunday, July 1st – Special

ANDI announced the death of one of the actors of series such as "The Lord of heaven" "," Amor captivo "and" Señora de Acero ", among others

By Patricia Carranza Alva

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September 12, 2017/13: 30 hours

The actor died this Sunday, July 1 – Special

The National Association of Performers (ANDI) reported the unfortunate death of one of the actors who were part of various productions such as "The Lord of the heavens", "The one who left", "Ownership of others", among others.

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This is the actor Juan Luis Orendaín, who also participated in projects like "Amor captivo" and "La señora de Acero"

"With deep regret, the #Directivo Council and the #Virilancia Committee, on behalf of the National Association of Performers, communicate the sensitive death of the interpreter Juan Luis Orendaín was a well-known Mexican actor and director, which is remembered for his participation in productions such as "The señor de los cielos", "The truth", "Propiedad externo", "Amor captive" and "Mrs. Steel. "Family and friends, we send you a supportive hug with our deepest condolences," wrote ANDI on his Instagram account.

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