The actor who could give life to Luis Miguel in the second season


Finished the first season of Luis Miguel series, and with it began speculation about what the second season announced ; especially, who will play on Sol de México .

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Diego Boneta, who gave life to Luis Miguel were applauded for his performance, but now another step will be given of the singer's life by which names begin to emerge about who will take the lead role in the new season .

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The name of Andrés Rey begins to ring strongly for this role. The famous double El Sol has even agreed to be invited to be part of the cast of the series.

I received all kinds of bids because of my resemblance to Luis Miguel, it is a hopeful job, Rey mentioned.

Andrés Rey has been confirmed as a strong candidate after the retweet made by Gustavo Saldaña, the series' producer, to the double word of Luis Miguel.

Beware that in the second season his life from 25 years to today would be approached and Andrés could calmly interpret it. Casting will take place in November – Gustavo Saldaña (@gustsaldana_) July 13, 2018

Some media say that Rey has already performed singing and performance tests to perform El Sol, Opinión reported.

Gustavo Saldaña shared in his networks that a second season of 20 episodes is planned

In this article:

  • Series
  • Luis Miguel
  • Andrés Rey
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