The actress reports sexual harassment to Eduardo Carabajal


You're influencing the test but I see how professional you are with this attitude, too bad, maybe it's better to devote yourself to d & # 39; 39 other things, you know. Apparently you have no idea what it is to cancel a test at the last minute.

Esperanza: Good evening, to start I did not cancel anything, the producer wrote me and I wanted to know why a topless cast, There must be one and my question should not to affect you, on the contrary, as an actress and as a professional, it is very normal. I am so professional that when I record the scene I do it without problem, I cast several times for several characters and with many producers and there is a justification and you can give it to me, I do it with pleasure, otherwise There is, I will not understand why and I will occupy my career, as I said, I have not no problem to undress, as long as it is justified and that the scene goes without problem, the day of the shooting

): Let's see Esperanza, I told you that you do not have any problem. did not go nude, I mean, we have already worked and if you do not trust me, I tell you what you're going to do heart, seriously, really, it's not a game, it's 12 o'clock in the evening and it comes to you to ask at this moment, to start; if you throw a stone and break a drink take charge, only that I ask, do not be incongruous girl, you can not do it right now, you've done it, nothing happens, this question, if you do not want to go there.

The net I prefer you do not really go, because you have such a rare energy, you are so rare and I take the opportunity to tell you, super weird, I do not understand you , you're completely indecipherable, I do not know why, maybe you have something to tell me and do not tell me but I do not understand, I invite you super good wave, it's a great project and not because it's mine, thank God I say it from another point of view it's a great project, it's going to be really cool, but really, your mentality is retrograde, seriously, meditate -It is not your fault, on the contrary, it is simply if you learn something from it.

First of all, as a group, I thought we were inclusive, which is not done, but let this, as a professional, seriously, I tell you, total disinterest, individualism, career, who knows you? Really, who knows you? What did you do girl? Because 15 years ago you only did one chapter of a novel, you did five or two Rosa de Guadalupe, who knows you? Neto, locate you, you're not going to be naked, you're not with a guy, you're with someone you know, I mean, I do not know if you understand me a little , nothing happens, heart, I really tell you, nothing happens, everyone decides but I believe that the forms must be supported, only that I ask.

In Another Audio Eduardo Says: The Camera Tester I'm Explaining Because I See You Do not Have A Clue About What Is A Camera Test It's just to see Hope, you have to see how it's going to be his scene out there in the camera test, it's not on a whim.

There are people, understand that it's a production house, I mean you will not go to somebody at ecuerarte and with a guy in a room, I want to say, I have to explain something basic technical. With that it denotes that you do not know well how is the question of this work, of this career. It is cinema, it is not Rosa de Guadalupe it is not a novel, it is cinema, is it clear? In case you have not noticed, but hey, nothing happens.

Honestly, everyone at his side, nothing happens but these things are not done, I hope that it serves as a lesson and that you meditate at least before saying yes to a camera test and at the hour of the night. : 30 say no or ask questions like that, that you could ask in the day or in the moment, in short, it's different. You do not understand, you're smart I think, you understand me, you understand me.

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