The agrarian conflict leaves two dead in Oaxaca and delays the installation of boxes


OAXACA, Oax. (appropriate) .- At least two dead and three wounded left a confrontation in the Southern Highlands of Oaxaca, between the municipalities of San Mateo Yucutindoo and Santiago Amoltepec, without being known until now if the Incident affected election day.

According to early reports, the incident originated in a former agrarian conflict.

The events occurred around 1:00 am in the "Palo de Flor" area when the inhabitants of Barranca Oscura belonging to Santiago Amoltepec entered the community of Pueblo Viejo where a clash took place with two dead and three wounded [19659002] The inhabitants of Pueblo Viejo have been monitoring the boundaries of the conflict zone, at the height of "Palo de Flor", to prevent their neighbors from Santiago Amoltepec from taking the bodies.

According to official reports, the inhabitants of Pueblo Viejo indicate that to be delivered, family members must pay a fine when they are presented to the community belonging to Yucutindoo with which they have an agrarian conflict.

At the moment, the electoral authorities have not informed the voting places in these municipalities or if polling day has been suspended.

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