The American huntress kills the rare "black giraffes"; he boasts in networks and causes indignation


The photos of a Kentucky fighter ( United States ) proudly displaying the results of his " hunt for dreams "- a dead black giraffe in South Africa – lit a storm in social networks after a local media Africa a raised his story.

American white who is partly Neanderthal comes to Africa and kills a very rare black giraffe courtesy of the stupidity of South Africa ", read the tweet of June 2018, published by Africa Digest. "Your name is Tess Thompson Talley Please share."

The controversial images, which were published by a woman Kentucky identified as Tess Thompson Talley There at one year, shows his position next to a dead giraffe and The caption: "Prayers for my dream quest, unique in life They became reality today I have discovered this black giraffe that I was looking for a long time, I knew that I # 39, was elected, I was over 18, 4000 pounds and I had the chance to receive 2000 pounds of meat from her

The trophy hunt is a legal practice in several African countries, including South Africa Namibia Zambia and ] Zimbabwe . "The giraffe that I hunted is a subspecies of South African giraffes . The number of these subspecies increases partly because of hunters and the efforts of Conservation largely Great game The breed is not uncommon in another way that is not very old The giraffes become darker with age, said Talley, in an email to Fox News.

He noted that the giraffe that he had killed was 18 years old, was too old to breed and had killed three younger bulls who could breed, which had caused the decline of the herd population.Now, with the oldest giraffe dead, young bulls can continue to breed and increase the population. "C & # 39; is what is called conservation through the administration of the game, "says Talley, who insists on the fact that it was not a "canned" hunt.

Ricky Gervais Leading Actor and Hollywood Actor The same day that Talley's images became viral, he tweeted that "giraffes are now on the …" Red List of Danger to a 40% decrease over the last 25 years, they may have disappeared, they have disappeared forever, and even then, we allow villains to pay to shoot them with a bow and arrow to amuse themselves . "

" What a shame to think that life is more than any other living creature and gives you the right to end your life! Who are you to be above any other living creature? "Wrote a nobody on Twitter "I hope that nature has its revenge!"

Others have sworn that " killing animals to have fun is a sign of some have qualified Talley's "disgusting excuse for a human being" and "fat kid without conscience." He was also referred to as "a selfish, disgusting, vile, amoral, heartless killer." Nikki Tate
a 27-year-old lawyer and "ethical hunter" from Texas, provoked protests and death threats at the end of last year after posting photos with her … murders, but he also testified that he received dozens of support articles, referred to as "pattern of behavior and inspiration" in the field of conservation.

And in 2015, Minnesota dentist Walter Palmer was despised internationally after killing the famous Cecil near a National Park in Zimbabwe. "I understand that the a hunt is not for everyone, it's what makes this world awesome, it's the difference, but threaten someone because it does not believe not as you do it is completely unacceptable. and insults would be considered horrible.

However, for some reason, it's normal to act that way because it's a hunt, "Talley wrote in his email. Meanwhile, in the United States, the issue of trophy hunting abroad remains controversial at the legislative level, with conservation and welfare groups coming together to encourage the Trump administration to reject import permits for South African lions.


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