The AMIA bomb attack is 24 years old


With a renewed demand for justice, the ceremony was held in commemoration of a new anniversary of the AMIA bombing. The authorities questioned the memorandum with Iran and demanded "concrete actions" of the government

As every July 18, the association held a central act in front of the building located at the 633 Pasteur Street to remember the victims of the attack. the slogan: "In times of impunity, the memory demands justice."

The alarm was triggered at 9:53 am, the exact time of the car bomb explosion in front of the AMIA in 1994, causing hundreds of casualties. and 85 dead, and after reading the names of the victims, the head of the entity, Agustin Zbar, took the floor

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"We live in an entrenched democracy but independent justice is still a debt to society, "Zbar said in questioning the previous government and signing the memorandum with Iran.

"We must unite the efforts and energies that go beyond the partisans," asked the head of AMIA

to the government or national demanded "concrete actions": "The AMIA is a cause of state in which the three powers must coordinate concrete actions. "

In the preview of a new anniversary of the attack, President Mauricio Macri received at Casa Rosada to the authorities of the Jewish entity and is committed to " implement the mechanisms necessary to intensify the international search "of the Iranians accused by the Argentine justice of perpetrating the attack.

"We build bonds with the world and collaborate in the fight against international terrorism.That is why we must continue to maintain our demand for justice," said the head of state and said stated that the demand of the Jewish community in this sense was "perfectly viable."

According to Casa Rosada, Macri will forward the proposal to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jorge Faurie, so that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the place where all efforts to promote the detention in other countries of the required foreigners will be concentrated, following the collapse of the protocol of agreement signed with Iran Government of Cristina de Kirchner

After the meeting at the presidential office, the head of the AMIA said: "We ask the President and we will ask this Wednesday that all branches of government, all political sectors of Argentina and the United States Non-governmental organizations do more to ensure that Iranian defendants who have international capture demands can be trapped and in a dialogue with accredited journalists at Casa Rosada, the community leader spoke of the recent case of the former minister Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Velayati, and recalled that "the judge (Rodolfo) Canicoba Corral has made a diplomatic mandate". "This shows that it is necessary that all the powers of the Argentine state and the free and democratic nations of the world cooperate so that those who are in the process can do it." "In this sense, Zbar recalled that similar cases were experienced with the former Iranian ambassador to Buenos Aires, Hadi Soleimanpour, who was arrested in London in 2003 but whose extradition was brought against he was rejected at that time by the British authorities, and the former defense minister of the Asian country Ahmad Vahidi, who was expelled from Bolivia in 2011 after the Argentine complaints.

"The President accompanied and agreed that it is important that in Argentine foreign relations this point be underlined. We must devote ourselves more to the pursuit of international justice in this regard, "insisted the head of the Israeli Association of Jewish Mutuals

. On this point, Zbar stressed that "we must work more, build a national policy in this regard. He concludes: "This is a cause of all Argentines, not just of the Jewish community, which is why we must all do a little more to be more effective."

The Secretary of Human Rights Human and Human Rights also participated. Cultural pluralism, Claudio Avruj, who pointed out that the government "is always looking for new ways to reach the truth".

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