The animated series' Steven Universe & # 39; of Cartoon Metwork has a message in favor of equal marriage


Milenio Digital

Rebecca Sugar who was graphic designer, supervisor and composer of the series Adventure Time ( Adventure Time ) for the television network Cartoon Network is the director of the animated series Steven Universe first cartoon aimed at children who approaches the marriage equal .

The series and its argument in favor of favor of equal marriage sparked the enthusiasm of Internet activists, who celebrate and support the decision. The iconic signal of children, one of the most successful since its inception in 1992 by Betty Cohen in the city of Atlanta, Georgia, and belonging to the consortium Turner Broadcasting System .

Look here for the beautiful sequence of egalitarian marriage:

In the final episode of the fifth season of the series, which bears the name The Question the character of [19459009RubyasksmarriagetoSapphire two girls-gems which, once merged, form the jewel Garnet . "So we can continue together even though we are separated ", adds Rubí during the formalization of the petition

The end of the argumentation includes a sequence with the l […] one of the jewels dressed in a white dress and the other dark wedding suit . The sequence includes a kiss between the wives, who merge to give life to a more or: Garnet.
* According to information from Indigo



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