The answers to 8 doubts that by shame you never asked the doctor


Because of shame or lack of self-confidence, we sometimes stop asking our doctor for some basic health concerns. The answers to the most common doubts in this note.

The answers to 8 doubts that by shame you never asked the doctor
The answers to 8 doubts that by shame you never asked the doctor

When we go to doctorfor lack of confidence or embarrassment, we stopped asking him for things. Excessive sweating, bad smells, erectile dysfunction and other genital problems usually give us shame. However, we must discuss these issues and consult a specialist.

In most cases, this is not serious. Many experts answered the most common doubts we all have.

Why do I have more and more hair?

Over the years, hair is lost, gray hair appears and hair appears. It becomes more abundant in unusual places such as the back, ears or nose.

Dermatology specialists divide their opinions on this aspect. They point out that this is due to two types of syndrome: hirsutism and hypertrichosis. "The first occurs in women and occurs when the hair comes out in areas such as the face, chest, back or neck," said Agustín Buendía. He is a member of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology and Full Professor at the University of Granada.

He added that this is due to "alteration of the balance of the sex hormones that results in an increase in the number of men resulting from cysts in the ovaries, adrenal hyperplasia or from various types of tumors ".

On the other hand, hypertrichosis occurs when the hairs disproportionately come out in one part of the body. It can affect women and men.
"It is linked to malnutrition and diseases such as anorexia nervosa or diseases of the liver or thyroid," he said. It is usually treated with hormones. However, when there is no origin "hair discoloration or hair removal is recommended by the conventional method or photoepilation," he said.

Why do not I stop sweating?

Excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis limits the lives of those who suffer from it. It usually appears in adolescence and in adulthood.

"The specific cause is not generally known, the big problem is that it is disabling in everyday life, but it hardly hides a bigger problem," Buendía explained.
It is important to speak with a doctor. Although rare, this symptom is related to tumors, diseases, heart problems or diabetes.
Treatments reduce or control the level of perspiration. However, there is no way to reduce sweating.

Why do my feet feel?

"In reality, the feet do not feel," says dermatologist Agustín Buendía.

He explained that "what smells is what is added in the feet". "There may be a bacterial breakdown, which is behind a disgusting smell, or an infection with fungi that gives off that typical smell of cheese," he said.

The situation worsens with sweating, heat and inappropriate shoes. "A dry foot hardly ever feels, but the moisture facilitates the growth of fungi or the decomposition of bacteria," he said.

Why does my breath smell?

This is due to the accumulation of bacteria produced by food debris in the gums and tongue.

"Patients often ask us to direct them to the digestive system because they smell a lot of breath and have heard that their origin is in the stomach." In fact, 90% of cases are due to cavity problems oral, digestive system, "said José Francisco Ávila. He is the coordinator of the New Technology Group of the Family and Community Medicine Society.

"The bad smell can be related to dental infections such as cavities, phlegmon, abscesses or gingivitis.The main cause of bad breath is smoking," he added.
He also said that bad breath "may be related to kidney failure or liver problems".

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Why did my stools change color?

Although this is not a taboo in the consultation, few people speak with the doctor on this topic.

"Color change is usually a concern, especially when it comes to unusual colors, patients are" usually scared, "says a specialist.
The colors may be due to the pigments of certain foods. But "they can also be due to excessive intake of iron or fat, infections such as enteritis caused by bacteria or parasites or alterations caused by tumors," he added.

Why does anal opening bite me?

This is not usually the symptom of a serious illness. "It can be caused by a parasitosis, by a dermatological table marked by irritation of the skin or by the alteration of the mucosa, but it is most often related to hemorrhoids," said a specialist.

Why is a wart found on my genitals?

"Many people do not ask for fear that it is a sexually transmitted disease or to admit that they have had relationships outside the couple," Buendía said.

Despite the fear, recognizing lesions of the genitals as early as possible is essential for doctor diagnose and treat the disease.

"A good example is syphilis.A patient who has had contact with a contagious person will have an ulcer after 21 days.If he is consulted, doctors detect syphilis at first curable.If the patient does not not consult, the second phase will be much more difficult to diagnose and treat, "he added.

Why is it so hard for me to have an erection?

When the genitals do not work as expected, it can be embarrassing to talk to a doctor.

In men as in women, the inconveniences of this type are linked to many diseases. This was explained by the gynecologist and sexologist Francisca Molero, president of the Spanish Federation of Societies of Sexology.

In women, this may be due to endometriosis, dysmenorrhea, menstruation, menopause or contraceptives. In humans, erectile dysfunction could be a symptom of hypertension.

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