The apocalyptic message about the end of the world hiding the Google translator that everyone is talking about on the Internet


A strange coincidence or really a hidden message that warns us against the end of the world. This is the discussion that took the Internet after someone discovered an apocalyptic text that appears in Google's translator.

The truth is that the explanation would be more rational than many think and should do neither with the Bible, or with any sixth reptilian, or anything like that.

What is it? The fact is that someone discovered a message that appears when the word "dog" is written 19 times and that one tries to translate the Maori language into English and share the result in Reddit, opening a debate in the social network.

which is read after the translation is: "Doomsday Clock is three minutes to twelve We live dramatic characters and developments in the world, which indicate that we are approaching more and more of the end times and the return of Jesus ", " The clock of the end of the world is three minutes to twelve o'clock … we are getting closer to the end times and the return of Jesus. "

  Google Translator Reproduction

It should be noted that this is not the first time that this has happened and that a few months ago the world of social networks was surprised by some similar thing.

What is the problem

Who gave an answer to the concern of thousands for the apocalyptic message were the site technology analysts of the motherboard, which pointed out that the solution is much more terrestrial .

Everything would have to do with Google's artificial intelligence and how it was powered. In other words, this type of results simply appears whenever they write nonsense and try to translate

In the same line, they have detailed that it is possible that religious texts will appear because they were used as training texts simply. that the appearance of these types of messages is more likely to appear every time we use the strangest languages, such as Somalis, Hawaiians and Maori, who have translated texts smaller than the most spoken languages, such as English or Spanish. Chinese.


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