The attack of a rebel city in Nicaragua leaves 4 dead


Managua.- While the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) have reproached the Government of Nicaragua for "serious violations "individual guarantees, that at least four people were victims of an attack by police and paramilitary forces against Masaya.

The agencies report to the Nicaraguan government "killings, extrajudicial executions, ill-treatment, torture and arbitrary detentions." It is imperative that the Nicaraguan State, which has obligations under the law international human rights, guarantee the right to life and take concrete measures as soon as possible to end the crisis and find a peaceful solution, "said Rupert Colville, spokesman for the UNHCHR

. The UN has called for an end to the violence in Nicaragua, which "has been massively perpetrated by the state and by pro-government gunmen," he said. According to the NGO, the violence has already made more than 350 victims.

Yesterday, from the very beginning, pro-government groups began to attack opponents of Masaya, at least four dead, according to independent human rights organizations.

The Association for Human Rights reported four deaths: three civilians and one policeman. Álvaro Leiva, director of the NGO, said that the attack lasted more than eight hours in the indigenous district of Monimbó, a center of resistance to civil protests against Ortega. "They used high-caliber weapons and a disproportionate force on an unarmed people, who fought back only with slingshots, stones and mortars [bombas caseras]," said Leiva, after having stated that most protesters had to retreat to shelters or escape to other neighboring communities.

He indicated that the ANPDH also recorded more than 40 illegal captures and a number of injuries that can not be evacuated because the only hospital in the city is totally controlled by paramilitaries. "The government has unleashed another bloodbath in Masaya. Here, there are gangs organized by the government that put people in utter helplessness, "said Marcos Carmona, of the Standing Committee on Human Rights (CPDH), to the television channel.

Rosario Murillo, Vice President of Nicaragua, wife of Ortega, said that it was necessary to "clean up" Masaya because it was a center of humiliation and d & # 39; 39 abuses against the citizens and described the protesters as "conspirators of coups d'état … evil, sinister, evil, satanic and terrorist."

the escalation of violence, states States, the European Union (EU) and the UN have condemned the attacks.The US Ambassador to the Organization of American States (OAS), Carlos Trujillo, has describes as "genodic" what is happening in the country of Central America.

State Department spokeswoman, Heather Nauert, has demanded an end to the bloodshed in Nicaragua. The United States monitors and will continue to hold accountable those responsible for the campaign of violence and repression. "

The OAS is organizing a new Permanent Permanent Council to examine the situation in Nicaragua in Washington.

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