The attack of Norberto Rivera is not a coincidence


El last sunday for the Later, a man dressed as a soldier arrived at Norberto Rivera Carrera, Archbishop Primate Emeritus of Mexico, at 110 Camelia Street, Colonia Florida, Álvaro Obregón.

He knocked on the door saying that he had a package to deliver; When it opened, the subject fired at José Javier Hernández Nava, a security guard who was guarding the house.

After shooting at the PBI's property surveillance unit, at least three other people tried to enter the house, but were pushed back from the guard post, causing a few shootings. seconds.

After repelling the attack, policeman José Javier Hernández was taken to a private hospital in Colonia Roma, where he died as a result of a gunshot wound in his chest.

It would seem to be an additional fact of the growing violence in Mexico City; However, it was not an ordinary address, it was the home of Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera, who at that time ate inside the house.

There were at least 10 caissons left, while the attackers escaped in two trucks.

For his part, Norberto Rivera, said he did not know the identity of the attackers: "I do not know who they are or why they came, I realized it until I This is happening, the authorities are investigating, knowing who attacked and why they came to attack. "

Since February, when Norberto left his ministry as archbishop of the capital, he had two elements of the banking and industrial police (PBI) for his protection.

After the incident, the Mexican Bishops' Conference issued a statement asking the authorities of Mexico City to clarify the shootings recorded at the home of Cardinal Norberto Rivera.

From the Vatican, Cardinal Carlos Aguiar Retes, Primate Archbishop of Mexico, lamented the violent events and the murder of the policeman through his Twitter account.

But the truth is that this attack on the house of Cardinal Norberto Rivera seems to be destabilizing, like many other events currently taking place in Mexico City.

The case of the attack on the house of Norberto Rivera reminds me immediately the attack that caused the death of Cardinal Juan Jesus Posadas Ocampo in May 1993. A very critical moment for Mexico, where, a few months after the assassination of the presidential candidate Luis Donaldo Colosio, Zapatista uprising and one of the worst economic crises in the country.

It was said that the attack of Cardinal Juan Jesús Posadas Ocampo was due to the fact that the brothers Arellano Felix, They had sent armed men to attack Chapo Guzman during a shootout at the airport of Jalisco, the capital, while he was preparing to take a plane.

For this crime He is taken to prison for the first time in El Chapo. He was detained for 7 years until his escape from Puente Grande Prison. And as soon as he escaped, it took a little more than a year to reconfigure the cartel.

It is officially known that the bishop of Guadalajara, Juan Jesus Posadas Ocampo, was killed after being shot by 14 bullets with his driver and five others on 24 May 1993 at Guadalajara International Airport, Jalisco, following 'an attack. confusion of vehicles: that occupied by the cardinal that day and that used by Joaquín Guzman Loera, El Chapo, which was intended to kill. The people of Arellano Felix confused their white Gran Marquí vehicle with the El Chapo escort.

However, there are more hypotheses, theories and myths about the motive of the assassination of the cardinal, among which it is said that it could have been planned, ordered or perpetrated with political motives. ; or who was killed by power groups or organized crime that sought to destabilize Mexico.

José Antonio Ortega Sánchez, the lawyer who hired the Archdiocese of Guadalajara, assures that Posadas "knew the links of drug trafficking between Bolivia, Colombia and Peru with some Mexican politicians".

According to the lawyer, it is Rodolfo León Aragón, then director of the Federal Judicial Police, who confessed that his company had murdered the cardinal and chose to indict the cartel of Tijuana, led by the Arellano family .

Cardinal Juan Sandoval Íñiguez is one of the characters who wanted to turn the death of Posadas into a political conspiracy whose true beneficiary is unknown.

Cardinal Juan Jesus Posadas Ocampo was a key man of the Catholic Church, perhaps the closest prelate to John Paul II and one of the promoters of the reform of Article 130 of the Constitution.

I repeat, the death of Cardinal Posadas triggered an escalation of tensions and instability in Mexico. after his death, the Zapatista uprising of 1 January 1994 in Chiapas; months after the assassination of the presidential candidate, Luis Donaldo Colosio, and the deputy José Francisco Ruiz Massieu in September 1994.

Many radical groups and organized crime at the moment wants to destabilize the outgoing government as well as the new one. The serious and sad problem we have on the southern border with migrants is not a coincidence, nor the attack on Norberto Rivera's house.

The attacks

A 25 Years of the assassination of Cardinal Juan Jesús Posadas Ocampo The Office of the Attorney General of the Republic (PGR) retains the Indulgence On July 26, 2000, he presented the report in which he maintained the hypothesis of confusion (first photo).

In return, the government of Jalisco and the Church affirmed that been a premeditated fact.

Last May, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Cardinal's death, the Conference of the Mexican Bishops (CEM) expressed confidence in which the case will be clarified someday. On May 24, 1993, the The archbishop was at the Guadalajara airport to receive the apostolic nuncio of Mexico, Girolamo Prigione; coming down from his car the gunfire was unleashed in which he died with his driver and five other people.

Yesterday, experts from the Attorney General's Office of the city Mexico (PGJCDMX), has carried out expertises on two vehicles which They found parked on the streets Pedro Luis Ogazón and Angelina, in the neighborhood of San Ángel, because it would have been registered an explosion very close to the house of the former Cardinal Norberto Rivera Race (second photo).

In the afternoon, Rivera Carrera went to the funeral home where they watched the remains of Mr. José Javier Hernández Nava, his driver and his escort, who was 41 years old, while the authorities of the capital and they have the painted portrait of one of the men who attacked the house of the prelate

Bibiana Belsasso

Bibiana Belsasso

I am a journalist, animator, columnist, interviewer and documentalist

Every day I write my column in the newspaper La Razón.

And every night for 9 years, we transmitted via DNA 40, with Jorge Fernández Menéndez, Todo Personal. A program of investigative journalism, analyzing in depth the stakes of the conjuncture.

I have done more than 150 interviews on the trajectory and the conjuncture of the most prominent personalities of politics, culture and entertainment.

I write for the newspaper safety magazine Excelsior, Code Topo, and I am co-author of two books: Justicia Inútil and the Elite y la Raza.

My next very personal book is about to be published.

Bibiana Belsasso

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