The attention deficit can make people more creative: Your doctor


It is common to think that people with deficit of attention and the creativity does not go together or because of the disorder, they will have a hard time finding a job. However, University of Michigan found that adults with Attention Deficit Disorder with Attention Deficit tend to be more innovators.

Agree with Holly Whiteit is one of mental disorder which is usually diagnosed in childhood. And it is characterized by the resistance to compliance and typical training, factors that can develop the creative and non-traditional approach in adults.

According to the doctor, the areas of employment that most value these characteristics and in which they could offer an innovation are: marketing, product design, technology and computer engineering.

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The deficit of attention and creativity are an excellent combination

The study included university students with and without ADHD who have been compared in creativity tasks. The first task was to imagination, as the invention of a strange fruit that did not exist on the planet.

It turned out that students with ADHD created original and different fruits, unlike students without ADHD, who created fruits very similar to those we know.

The second task was to create labels for new products. As in the previous activity, the affected students distinguished themselves by creativity of your proposals. Unlike young people without the disease.

In this sense, the results showed that people with deficit of attentionthey can be more flexible in tasks that require l & # 39; innovation. When they create something new, they are less likely to take as a basis examples of prior knowledge.

Attention deficit

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People with ADHD always go out of their way

"As a result, the creative products of people with ADHD They can be more innovative when it comes to creating colleagues who do not have ADHD, "he said. Holly White.

In addition, people with learning and attention difficulties are less likely to get lost in a routine or stay close to what already exists when creating new ideas.

They can make a great creative contribution to the design and resolution of real world problems. Because of its creation or invention of new things or ideas, it is unlimited not to be influenced by old patterns or ways of doing things.

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