The author of an attack in Florida hated women, migrants and African-Americans


The man who killed two people and wounded five others before committing suicide in a yoga studio the day before in Tallahassee, Florida, had expressed his dissatisfaction with women and had been accused of sexual harassment at least twice, according to the media. press and official sources.

The police Tallahase I've been looking for clues to establish the connection between the abuser and the yoga studio and the victims, one of whom survived despite nine shots fired by the shooter, identified by the police as being Scott Paul Beierle.

The BuzzFeed electronic information portal revealed that it was late in messages posted on sites such as Youtube, the 40-year-old man has declared himself a person misogynist and expressed his resentment towards women, which he called a prostitute.

In addition repudiation of immigrants from Central America and Afro-American, while declaring itself against the public health system offering contraceptives to women, with a harsh criticism of the government of former President Barack Obama.

According to CNN television, Beierle was a veteran, while police revealed that the man has been accused twice of having sexually harassed young womenwhen he studied at Florida State University.

The police identified the two deadly victims as being Nancy Van Vessem, 61 years old and Maura Binkleyout of 21.

The man entered the establishment as a customer and began to shoot almost immediately against the people who were inside, without any warning. In addition, at least one person was repeatedly hit by the attacker with the butt of his gun.


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