The author of the explosion at the US Embassy in Beijing suffers from a paranoid disorder – News



   View of the United States Embassy after an explosion in the vicinity of Beijing, China, on July 26, 2018. A small craft exploded in suburb of the United States Embassy in Beijing and caused injury to the author of the incident. EFE

View of the United States Embassy after an explosion in nearby Beijing, China on July 26, 2018. A small machine exploded in front of the US Embassy in Beijing and was caused injury to the author. of the incident. EFE (Photo: EFE )

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Beijing, July 27 (EFE) .- The alleged perpetrator of the explosion Thursday at the US Embassy in Beijing, aged 26 and in custody, suffers from A paranoid personality disorder, according to the police survey collected today by the Xinhua Agency.
His family confirmed to the police that since mid-2016, the young man "had frequent visual and auditory hallucinations, was admitted to hospital once and received psychological treatment, unable to return to work," he said. he declares.
The Chinese citizen, nicknamed Jiang and from the autonomous region of Inner Mongolia (north of the country), reportedly detonated a small device in front of the American legation in Beijing yesterday at 13:00 local time (05:00 GMT), without any material damage or injury.
After the incident, Jiang was transferred to the hospital because he was injured by hand.
Police found a lighter and leftover fireworks and unexploded firecrackers in the area.
"There was an explosion around 13:00 (0500 GMT) in the public area outside the southeast corner of the embassy complex," said a spokesman for the mission. diplomatic to Efe after the incident.
A spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Geng Shuang, said yesterday at a press conference that it was "an individual case of public security".
The event was initially revealed by eyewitnesses through social networks with videos and photographs.
Witnesses said that the individual had been injured while handling the aircraft, but it is unclear whether he was attempting to attack the embassy or to hurt himself .
Some videos posted on the Internet showed smoke, pedestrians and police officers in confused scenes surrounding the Embassy, ​​while in other images, several agents were seen around a person lying on the floor. ground.
A woman who was crossing the area and sharing videos of the incident with other pedestrians was arrested and taken against her in a car by plainclothes men who could be plainclothes police officers, according to eyewitnesses who recorded the incident with their cell phones. .
Chinese police cordoned off the eastern entrance of the embassy, ​​on Tianze Avenue, northeast of Beijing. This is the area where entry is for visa procedures, so it is usually very busy.
In 2013, a similar incident occurred in the same area outside the embassy, ​​when a man blew up a craft and was injured.


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