The basic basket will be available for the poorest producers: Villalobos


MEXICO (APR) .- All Mexicans have the right to receive enough food, and in this sense, the next government will ensure that the basic basket is available to the poorest producers, said Víctor Villalobos the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (Sagarpa).

What is sought, he says, is to gradually reduce the import dependence of four products: corn, beans, rice and soft wheat.

He also pointed out that the structure of this dependence is very heavy. which, he said, will "limit sections in the bureaucracy" to attract attention, in addition to very technical, much more effective.

Similarly, it is denied that they will cut social programs, rather – "they will associate and reduce the number", but with the same function and more precisely.

He mentioned that some of the insecurity that the country is experiencing is registered in the agricultural sector, as many young people who do not do so. they have a future on the ground, they migrate and they fall prey to criminal gangs.

An effort will be made to make young people understand that in the countryside there is a very important legal activity, he said in an interview with Televisa. with the ret. "

According to Villalobos, the intention of the virtual president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, is to save the ground from the situation in which he finds himself, and for that, he explained, we will work on three pillars, the first that has to do with the increase in productivity to be more efficient in production per unit area.

The second includes the achievement of more responsible agriculture, c & # 39; that is to say that we must be more aware of natural resources, especially water and soil, and the third is more inclusive agriculture, because there is a high proportion of producers very poor who need to be saved from poverty.

Regarding the guarantee prices, Víctor Villalobos said that these are essentially oriented towards four commodities of the basket: maize, beans, rice and wheat tender.

"These four products are going to be entered at this price. guarantee, that what is at stake is a price that gives a guarantee and that gives certainty to the poorest producers and through them has a price for the next three years, where they are sure of how much it will cost He denied that guarantee pricing violates international agreements, because what is sought, he said, is to save small producers from poverty. He said that food security was the right of all Mexicans to receive enough food and assured that the government of López Obrador will guarantee that the basket The goal is to gradually reduce our dependence on the importation of corn, beans, rice and soft wheat, he said.

Víctor Villalobos explained that the national territory will be divided into five regions "which have different vocations", because the northern producer does not have the same conditions as the southern producers, and until the end of the year. now they are treated in an "equal" way, whereas in reality there is a big difference.

that the vocations of each of these regions will be specifically addressed, and specified that, in the case of the South, it has traditions and vocations that have and respect, and also has agronomic conditions totally different from those of the north.

On transgenic products, the virtual holder of Sagarpa said that these have polarized the company, because on the one hand it is thought that they will be the solution to the food security of the company. Humanity and the other penalized because they are associated with human health or environmental problems.

Both positions are false, and what has been raised is that the solution to the situation in the Mexican C campaign is in the middle parts, he added.

There is a vast "arsenal of technologies" that allows us, without going into the use of transgenic crops, to meet this need and this demand to sustainably increase production, did it? he said: "We will not plant GM crops this government."

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