The Batres orders publish a law that eliminates the pensions of former presidents


CITY OF MEXICO.- The Chairman of the Board of the Senate, Martí Batres Guadarrama, ordered publish the decree of the Federal Act on the remuneration of civil servants in the Official Journal of the Federation (DOF).

This law stipulates that no public official will earn more than the President of the Republic, in this case 108,000 pesos per month.

The reform approved on September 13 in San Lazaro eliminates the benefits, pensions, credits, loans and advances not provided for in this framework and in unauthorized payments.

The Federal Act on the remuneration of civil servants will apply to the legislative, judicial and administrative tribunals, to the Attorney General of the Republic, to the Presidency of the Republic and to other federal agencies, as well as to agencies and enterprises of the sector. BPS.

Senator de Morena said that this law was approved in San Lazaro on September 13 and that the executive had received it seven days later.

However, not only the 30 days in which President Enrique Peña Nieto was able to comment, but also the ten days he had available to meet the deadline for publication, have passed.

"As it is not published by the executive power, it belongs to the Senate of the Republic to publish it and, in any case, the President of the Senate, who is President of the House of origin in regarding this bill, ordered its publication "he said Batres.

In response, the President of the Upper Chamber sent an office to the Secretary of the Interior, Alfonso Navarrete Prida, through which he informed that the deadlines set for publish in the DOF the decree issuing the Federal Act on the remuneration of civil servants.

He also informed the Director General of DOF, Alejandro López González, that publish This ordinance stipulates that no public official can earn more than the President of the Republic.

With this law, Morena seeks to bring order to the entire salary and wages chapter of the Federation's estimates for 2019.

With information from Eduardo Ortega and Notimex *

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