The beer is over, warning about the shortages in Europe in the middle of the world


The World Cup is the time when Europe sold more than beer than ever, but in United Kingdom and Norway pubs and merchants warned of a possible shortage of the popular drink. The cause? The lack of supply in CO2 .

The CO2 usually problematic by its excess and not by its shortage, is used to carbonate beverages, including the beer and the lack of supply in Northern Europe has already led to the stop of the production of a brewer. " If the brewers do not get refueling, they will miss CO2 ," he warns. Head of the Norwegian Radio Association of Producers Association of the country. " You will feel in one or two weeks in every bar and business ," he said.

Also in United Kingdom The Association pubs and breweries the lack of certain varieties already. The largest chain of pubs in the country, Wetherspoon is no longer available all types of beers and ciders of habit, noted the BBC

The liquid CO2 which is used in food is produced as a by-product of the manufacture of ammonia for fertilizers ]. As these occur mainly between August and March, many plants are closed during the European summer.

Because of the low prices, many factories have chosen this year to close more time, according to the specialized magazine " Gasworld ". But the dates were very insufficient considering the good weather and the celebration of the World Cup in Russia . [ad_2]
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