The best DT the Tri has had: Hernández


Mexico City – Mexican striker Javier Hernández considered Juan Carlos Osorio as the best coach of the Mexican national team and thanks him for the confidence and trust he has had in him.

"Thank you for these 3 years." Profe & # 39; Thank you for everything. Feelings Found

"Gratitude is the one that stands out because our paths have crossed.Thank you for trust, faith, safety, work, learning, daring, support, Honesty, congruency, openness, growth, communication, strength to endure so much of what has been said and much more … the best coaches I have had. better than I've had in the Mexican national team without a doubt.I love it and I admire so much teacher! It's an amazing coach, but most of all a human being which makes me so proud to have known and shared so much together.

"Thanks to all your technicians who are extraordinary and also excellent people! Pure positive things I wish you, because you only deserve that and more! See you soon, prof. Thank you for everything, "wrote" Chicharito "on Instagram.

Hernandez was an important piece in the Osorio Tri attack, which announced Friday that he would not renew as coach of the company. National Team

Qualifies Te Kloese for Osorio

Barranquilla, Colombia.- Dennis Te Kloese, Director of National Teams, reviewed the process of Juan Carlos Osorio at the head of the Tri and the advancement that those who come to lead will have to know the characteristics of the Mexican football player.

Professor Osorio has been very positive in his process in number, dedication and professionalism towards the Mexican footballer, in the good and the tensions and their way of doing things. work, in this process we can evaluate it as very positive and in the end the Federation will seek to grow more, "shared the director at Agencia Reforma

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