The Bichir put themselves in the "mud"




Sun 28 Oct 2018, 9:05
8 out of 10

Cast Demian Bichir and his brother Bruno will be the two main faces of this film directed by Juan Carlos Martín. he
Irene Azuela and Miguel Rodarte join them.

Demian and Bruno will play in the movie "Lodo & # 39;

A PRI politician. This is the character that Demian Bichir will embody in the film version of "Lodo", a novel written by Guillermo Fadanelli, which will be shot in 2019. The story is that of the first one. love between a professor of philosophy at UNAM and a young cashier in a shop, who commits a robbery

"There are two brothers, one philosopher and the other, a corrupt member of the PRI, the artist is supposed to be Bruno Bichir, we have already spoken to him and he said that this was the story of his life and we see him with Demian, "says Juan Carlos Martín, project director.

The Bichir brothers will be joined by Mariana Osado as protagonist, a new face for the cinema, as well as by the experienced Irene Azuela ("The black primroses") and Miguel Rodarte ("Timeshare").

With Mauricio D & # 39; Aguinaco ("Aerosol"), Martin ("40 days" and "Gabriel Orozco") visited this week several places in Michoacán, such as Patzcuaro, where much of the scenario would be filmed, including two weeks in the city of Mexico

& # 39; Lodo & # 39; is a road movie in which a university professor tries to protect an employee of a popular shop, who commits a robbery in which there is a murder. Despite the age difference, the passions between the two are unleashed. The written story is the voice of the academic called Benito Torrentera.

"I read the novel nine years ago and at that time I had talked to Guillermo, but on that occasion, another filmmaker had rights.The truth is that he There were a lot of people, about seven, who had the story, but nobody could have done it, we're fine, "said Martin.

The direction of photography will be responsible for Miguel López ("The 4th Company" and "Cries of Freedom"), the project will be paid to public funds next year.

& # 39; Lodo & # 39; follows the trend of the new century when several novels were brought to the screen in Mexico: "Arráncame la vida", original of Ángeles Mastretta, "The zona", by Laura Santullo and & # 39; Asesino in serio & # 39; of Javier Valdes, are.

Cast Demian Bichir and his brother Bruno will be the two main faces of this film directed by Juan Carlos Martín. he
Irene Azuela and Miguel Rodarte join them.



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