The bitch who claims to be a street girl to give him burgers – 10/28/2018


A dog who seemed abandoned was going to a McDonald's local Oklahoma City, United States, for local customers to give him the leftover hamburgers or fries. Before the sad look of the animal and his "hungry" face, no one could resist his call, so they shared a large portion of their portions.

However, the Facebook posting of a woman named Betsy Reyes who unmasked Princess on Sunday, October 21st. There he said that the animal is just a big "Actor" and pretends with a cunning plan: "If you see my dog ​​near McDonald's on Shields Street, stop feeding him. he does not know how to behave and he runs away from home all the time to go to McDonald's at night"

And he continued, "Not even a street dog, she's just a bitch burrowing into gold who behaves like she's a street girl to pity people and give her their hamburgers.

The message has become viral and has already been shared more than 294,000 times and obtained more than 300,000 reactions and 40,000 comments. Beside the text, Reyes has released two videos in which he sees how he grabbed Princess with his hands in the dough.

The young woman parked her car in McDonald's parking lot as the dog frequents and filmed how some people fed her from the car. She also filmed while Princess was approaching her car when, recognizing her, she rushed away and placed her tail between her legs, knowing that her owner had discovered what she was trying to do. to do.

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