"The blood of the Shroud of Turin is wrong": study


The study reveals that the blood of the Shroud of Turin in which the figure of Jesus Christ appears may be false.

They find a message hidden in the back of the figure of Jesus Christ

The forensic anthropologist Matteo Borrini with the expert in organic chemistry Luigi Garlaschelli to analyze traces of blood supposed to reveal the brutality with which the Romans beat Jesus Christ during Calvary, according to the Christian tradition.

which appears in greater abundance in the most wounded parts of the prophet, accords with what the New Testament tells of the last days of Jesus Christ.

After working with a dummy who was stabbed several times to simulate wounds, both experts determined that the blood seen in the shroud is false because the behavior of a bleeding real would be shown as in the sheet

The study was performed by simulating the manipulation of a body with a dummy wrapped in linen (Borrini & Garlaschelli / Journal of Forensic Science.)

The study was performed simulating the manipulation of a body with a mannequin wrapped in linen (Borrini & Garlaschelli / Journal of Forensic Science).

For this, shroud blood can not be real because the flows of it do not match the angle of the hands of the human figure that appears marked on the fabric .

The blood stain that supposedly reveals the wound left by Romain Longinus's spear in the finalization of Jesus Christ to put an end to his suffering on the cross, corresponds to that of an injury made in a position right but not that of a person who had been wounded face up.

Italian experts t they also question the authenticity of the brown spots that we can see in the lower part of the figure size projected on the fabric as a corpse wrapped in the linen was bleeding, not upward as it appears Both Borrini and Garlaschelli used their manikin to simulate the stains that would have been produced by manipulating the messiah's body wrapped in tissue, and those These do not coincide with those appearing in the shroud .

His conclusion is that cloth is a piece made in the fifteenth century for artistic or even didactic purposes, but which should never be considered a sacred relic.

The study of Italians does not explain how the image of a human face on the canvas.

You can view the complete study in the article published in the Journal of Forensic Sciences.

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